I Added the Taunt Package to My Galakrond Warrior! | Standard | Hearthstone

Galakrond worked super well for me last year, so what is the most logical next step? Change a bunch of cards, of course! Deck code: …


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33 thoughts on “I Added the Taunt Package to My Galakrond Warrior! | Standard | Hearthstone

  1. This "imagine running this card" thing that trump is doing, its getting very annoying

  2. The last match is one of the coolest matches I have ever seen in HS. Good job!

  3. It's amazing how ridiculously this deck sucks if you don't get rovers and flunkies (mind, it's and not or) in the muligan. Rover for the win is right, lol.

    Edit: it is sooo painful to see Trump win by the lucky Execute, holy shit.

  4. Man, when you hover obvious plays for an extra 5-6 seconds for no reason, and then you rope and miss vital plays at the end of your turns…that's good entertainment.

  5. Why make fun of people for playing different decks? "Imagine playing a 7 mana Arcanite Reaper that draws 4 cards with 16/16." Well, imagine EVERYONE playing the same deck. 😐😐

  6. I haven't seen hearthstone gameplay in a while and during that match vs priest I was feeling like a dbz side character shitting its pants when looking at the insane hits each side was doing while still having fuel for years

  7. Had to stop watching this video. Trump is spending more time commenting on how bad other decks are than he is playing these days. Can you let people enjoy their own play styles please?

  8. holy shit why do u never stop talking about ur opponents deck shut the fuck up

  9. I played all of your versions for Galakrond Warrior and decided I prefered the version with Voone. Its fun ending a game with a hand full of Emberscale Drakes and Scion's.

  10. i fucking despise how cocky hes acting, at this point hes literally shaming his opponent, just because theyre not playing the same deck as him, its honestly better to just mute the fucking video and watch him play without him smartmouthing all the time like he knows absolutely everything about the game

  11. I would ABSOLUTELY attack for 6 on that turn. He has two choices, play a 2/6 taunt that kills a minion for 5, or heal and play a 3 mana shit card just to progress his quest a bit. You DEFINITELY attack there.

  12. I love how each streamers plays type can be summed up in a word
    Kibler: trade
    Toast: meme

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