Hearthstone Battlegrounds — I play for the top spot alone!
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#HearthstoneBattlegrounds #Kripp
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Top damage: 48
He just gets Divine Shield Poisones Murlocs again, so AIDS, he just gets AIDS this game. Every time he does this he reminds me of my rectal Herpes, it gets better but then I have to take a crap which horribly inflame my rectal Herpes. The analogy is my bodies natural need to crap vs Kripp's natural want to make my AIDS infested Herpes covered anus take yet another punishment.
that's what happens when you're at 20hp with OP murlocs — the luxury of playing for the 1v1
Why does he keep searching for Brann? He's playing Brann!
Personally, I don't get why people complain about Kripp playing murlocs too much…. Murlocs are amazingly fun to play and they place well in the end, and don't usually crank you for 20+ damage.
Я не понимаю, кому интересно смотреть крипа, из видео в видео собирает мурлоков на лоу рейтинге. В чём интерес?
and again: murlocs… like there is nothing else to play. Why not some dragons for once?
The worst is when you take 32 damage on turn 9 with 30 health left and dying because eudora got a golden foe reaper and golden kangors.
Krip krip krip, the murlocs are cool but its kinda broken and runes most battleground games that i play or that i watch
Kripp: 80% are token cannons. So what if I play murlocs.
Final round: why not both?
Imagine complaining a put murloc pivots lol
I'm starting to really get tired of Kripp's videos. It's the same thing, video, after video, after video. The BG content used to be interesting, now it's just ANOTHER Murloc build video after another.
Murlocs poison is OP… The whole poisonous to get unlimited atack is just bullshit and should get nerfed. I would say make it that once a poisonous minion atacks something that would otherwise survive the atack. It now dies the moment it atacks. Kinda flavors poison aswell, since it now is like: 'If you move you die.' Allso poison never instant kills anything it allways takes time. And it would make a taunt strategy counter poison murlocs.
In regular hearthstone this change does not matter much since poison is rarely or never played. And a minion that dies the moment it atacks is useless unless it's a taunt anyway.
This absolute chad gamer went to 6 and got 3 megasaurs without even seeing a brann or bagurgle… Thats just how awesome Kripp is
Bro that was so many megasaurs
why does kripp say windfury is bad? doesn't that mean the poisonous get double attack? or is it cuz the windfury is likely to go into a shield in this specific scenario?
How to make battlegrounds fun? Remove murlocs
Brann + Khadgar is the best way to play murlocs — you play the midrange to stay alive and then pivot to murlocs to get the W
18:58 is there any goddamn reason not to take +3 attack? I mean all his murlocs were already shielded, no?
Hi Kripp, have you ever thought about posting videos that are not murlocs? It is starting to get REEEEALY boring.
Mukla should give opponents banana scraps instead which would only be either 1 health or 1 attack, a 1 mana 2/1 or 1/2 buff (taking the opponents away from your buffs) is a standard hero power
In my opinion, your mid game placement could be more efficient, when several units have poison I think it is wise to place those with the most health after the others
I do love your videos and I know Murlocs are the meta but It gets a bit boring seeing Murlocs all the time
@Kripparrian What do you think about a new game mode where instead of vsing 1 player each round, you vs every player and take damage equal to the average of your losses (0 if 0 or positive)… or maybe just take 1 damage for every loss?
That way there's no variance about who you're matching up against. Dunno what the screen would look like though :p haha
What a surprise the final battle is all murlocs divine shield and poison vs all murlocs divine shield and poison…
how much toxic is , if he keep thinking he is an expert
the ONLY skill in this game is just APM and "when switch to murloc"
you always go 1v1 vs a murloc guy
and u know you need
cleave andor selfless heroor ghoul
Remove Megasaur and it might get more interesting in BG.
Past kripp: look at these awesome murloc transitions
Kripp of now: That shouldn't be allowed people playing midrange builds and transitioning to murlocs