Let's Play Diablo 1 *Challenge Run* (31) leverage

The lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw…Diablo makes all his simple machines from the bones of his enemies.

*Challenge* an easy one…don’t restart a new game…play thru this single game.


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11 thoughts on “Let's Play Diablo 1 *Challenge Run* (31) leverage

  1. lol i just killed diablo myself..i was lvl 25

    The game was so much easier when i got a zodiac ring (18 to all attributes) knights sword (38 hit chance% + 101 damage %) all my res was maxed and i was hitting like 30-60 lol

  2. oh and i also used zero magic, i just cut my way through, advocates got nothing on max fire res

  3. Hey, thats capitalism that you USians love so much in action, profiting from other's misfortunes. You know, like the healthcare and such. I thought you'd be right at home, but you're whining instead…why ?

  4. if this were diablo 2 you'd be knocked back 2 feet by every fireball. 😛 thats why this is so easy with potions

  5. "Diablo makes all his simple machines from the bones of his enemies."

    Bow to the Woodsie Lord, Trickster of legend !

  6. @gruntshunts123 When that happens to me I find sometimes switching the quality will make them play.

  7. Well, think about it, demonhunting is the most powerful economic activity in Tristram!

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