Nalguidan vs Monsanto - Finals - Hearthstone Grandmasters Americas 2020 Season 1 - Week 3

Nalguidan and Monsanto face off in Americas Finals, Week 3, Day 3 of the Hearthstone Grandmasters 2020 Season 1!

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14 thoughts on “Nalguidan vs Monsanto — Finals — Hearthstone Grandmasters Americas 2020 Season 1 — Week 3

  1. Love how it had to come to the shaman face off.. this video is exactly what it feels like to play shaman on ladder right now.. you feel like you're going to be doing strong things early-mid with evolve and whatnot but other aggro decks are faster and every other type of deck has removal/freezes every turn + card generation until turn 8/9 when they instantly win with a deep freeze, dragonqueen, zephyrs etc. while shaman is completely out of resources.Then DH is an absolute nightmare in being the best at ALL of the aforementioned traits.

  2. Imagine playing a competitive game where your opponent can cast a 10 mana "randomly win or lose the game".

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