New Demon Hunter and Prime Cards Gameplay - Hearthstone Ashes of Outland

Hearthstone Ashes of Outland — demon hunter and prime card gameplay as well as some other new cards from the recently announced hearthstone expansion featuring Illidan and metamorphosis.


Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:


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34 thoughts on “New Demon Hunter and Prime Cards Gameplay — Hearthstone Ashes of Outland

  1. it's nice to show case how observer works but no one in there right mind is going to flood the board with minions with less then 3 h.p if they no there is a 2 damage bored clear coming that they can play round unless their hand is full

  2. 4 to 8 mana rush,10 10 stats and overkill give 10 armor combine that with the rhino totem and warrior is immortal

  3. Wait… he played the skull of gul’dan against gul’dan…

    And no insta concede

  4. not fair that some fuckers can use these new cards before all of us, fking unfair. fuck u bliz.

  5. This new expansion is perfect time to play arena because everyone and their mother would be playing demon hunter and the new meta is going to be very very unstable.

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