Now THAT’S A Proper Jepetto Deck! - Rise of Shadows Hearthstone

Rise of Shadows Hearthstone — Jepetto has found his home, at long last.
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43 thoughts on “Now THAT’S A Proper Jepetto Deck! — Rise of Shadows Hearthstone

  1. Awesome deck, that last Murloc deck was actually cool, Spirit of the Frog was unexpected

  2. Unless he was only running 1 Bloodlust that last guy could've won. On his last turn, Hex Kripp's monster, the frog spirit will draw Bloodlust, then play Bloodlust and go face. More than enough damage to kill Kripp through the single taunt the Hex makes.

  3. It's basically playing Mind Blast Priest, except it requires more luck and has more counter-play to it.

  4. I did the arm thing for 2 minutes and now my entire arm is covered in black bruises…
    Not cool Kripp, not cool.

  5. If it isn't rude to post deck suggestions here, I came up with something I hadn't seen before:
    Sweeping Strikes + linebreaker + charge card. 10 mana hits 3 and doubles attack each time if kills… in a Dr. boom deck so that it lives to toss the combo. Option missing from the deck: The rush 5/5 rhino also triggers 3x if used with sweeping strikes, but I don't have him in this deck.

    ### Rush

    # Class: Warrior

    # Format: Standard

    # Year of the Dragon


    # 2x (1) Charge

    # 2x (1) Omega Assembly

    # 1x (1) Spirit of the Rhino

    # 2x (1) Town Crier

    # 2x (2) Sweeping Strikes

    # 2x (2) Warpath

    # 2x (2) Woodcutter's Axe

    # 2x (3) Rabid Worgen

    # 2x (4) Militia Commander

    # 2x (5) Brawl

    # 1x (5) Darius Crowley

    # 2x (5) Dyn-o-matic

    # 1x (5) Sightless Ranger

    # 1x (5) Zilliax

    # 2x (7) Amani War Bear

    # 1x (7) Dr. Boom, Mad Genius

    # 2x (7) Linecracker

    # 1x (8) Batterhead



  6. Hi Kripp! What you show is no Jepetto play in the first match, 8 mana and 3 slots wasted on your deck (counting the unplayable malygos) for 6 health and a 6/6 body on your second match. Two travelling healers would've been better (probably the most underrated card of this set btw)

  7. This was basically the first deck I played in this expansion but I always drew malygos before I played jepetto and it just felt really bad I won once with 1 mana alexstrasza and full cost malygos plus spell damage weapon and coin so that was fun

    TLDR: always bad draws no fun for me

  8. there is always the same problem, if you draw a creature before Jepetto, your combo is lost. This is not consistent enough, sorry.

  9. AAECAR8IxwOHBMkElwjL7AKY8AKnggObhQMLngG1A8UI/gyH+wL1iQOnigPmlgP5lgO+mAOenQMA

    This one is a lot better than this crap spell hunter

  10. you brought me some hope and amenization yore, cool deck, stylish dude, gona upload some hs latter, having ad much time to get to legend as wanted 🙁

  11. I can't get past rank 12 with this deck. bomb warrior, murloc shaman, zoo warlock, they all kill me within 7 turns. can't even win with jepetto in opener.

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