► Discord “Realm of Cain”
• https://discord.gg/EQ3gGgg
► Reddit “Realm of Cain”
• https://www.reddit.com/r/RealmOfCain/
► Install Instructions will be available on 2-8-2019
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You, my dear, are truly a mad man! Loving it 🙂
👎=Diablo mobil fan😁
Not anything new its similar to old d2 hmmmm
I was expecting new features
Stay a while and listen
The question is, will you be able to stop things like POD had problems with that even they couldn't fix without medians help? Are they willing to help you when all your virgin haters have nothing better to do this weekend ?
What about that Lags in Bnet they also exist on private servers? (lag I don't mean high ping, I mean that getting stuck behind obstacles on server but on local client ur behind that wall or obstacle)
So, is it 8th February or 2nd August?
I'm pretty confident 8th February, but I want to be sure, you silly Americans 😛
What what this seems awesome.
I've been hoping for something like this for awhile now. Ty for info
Come on copyright!!!
Do i need a copy of d2 to get on private server? I lost my battle chest years ago but miss the game so much..
Great trailer!!!
Hay españoles en server?
Just buy the fuckin game and play. Servers are still going strong. Easy to find people to play with, ladder resets end of may beginning of June. Idk why you would make a d2 private server. Good luck.
I wish it could work on pirated versions
I can't wait to cheat on it!
The number of private servers I wanna play on is too damn high!!!
This is what blizzard should have released at blizz con
Guys, if you are looking for private server with some mods done right, and great community, take a look at Annihilus.net.
Here some videos:
— Time rift — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLNHKohjvkw
— Lich King fight — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDf8hR5QUQ4
— Azmodan fight — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDkUh-_rw2g
— Omega Weapon fight — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYG_RgoPmC4
— Rlyeh, Azathoth and Inferno Cows — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7Cq_2o1MrQ&t=570s
— Santa Claus fight — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9_0O5DXbjc
— Dreamlands and Cthulhu Monsters —
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vblv3Y2MAdA — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtWPJ57TBnw
— Cthogga fight — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHeva7gt_I4
— Crucible — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrVWze5CJVQ&t=560s
looks interesting
Sad…i can't avail any of these wonderful creations! I'll just stick with my original one no MOD..
i want to play on your server but i have question about ping. I don't know this is will be playable for me or no =
Sick dude, cool vid and thanks for taking the time to do this cant wait to play on it. You're the best.
I like some features like a gold autoloot (this is really very uselful thing for Goldfind barbarians) and ability for inspect items on other players. i remember some maphacks who can use it when i played in Diablo 1,09 on private server but it was very long time ago).
p.s: when i played in Diablo i used only maphacks, not auto tele, bots, dupes or some shit like that (i feel this really bad things, but inspect is really good and uselful feature).
Well it will be fun for 1-2 weeks then theres nothing to do in d2 as always except for mf
how is this different than slash diablo?
just play POD LULW
The thumbnail in my alert looked like "Realm of Cum" at first glance lol
Don't you guys have cell phones?
Gonna try this hardcore, lets see if there will be enough people to feel multiplayer 😀
will it be with your cheated items?
So Uber trist lvl is a thing again?
Sure ill download it. Along with all the Mal and spyware that will come with it too.
Sounds great
WILL join this but have a few questions for you x
So.. Why play this instead of actual d2?
This just seems like a knock off of path of diablo
What? Hows that remotely attractive? Literally Blizzlike server with only 2 changes — temp ban removal and cow king — which neither are game changing qualities. That's lame. I am sorry. Want decent realm pop & community, just pay $20 and play on B.net
You guys should try to make it so you can socket Titans that'd be cool
Time to let the game die people
how come no one is making videos about realm of cain? also i would like to know if there is a pvp community on it (even tho its just the begging)…. if you don't have pvp, then you cannot attract a large enough population to ROC FROM BNET. I don't see the point of realmofcain unless some one makes a video showing how large the player base is, in the first week. this first week of realm of cain is to quiet on youtube, and does not show players a point of playing the game on this private server. where is the PVP. like 70% of people on Bnet wont come to your server to sit and pvm all day. I personally really want a bot free Diablo 2 community!! Slash diablo gives Maphack/PODis 100%different/median is 100% different as well, so this ROC vanilla Experiance sounds Great!! However not making videos on something as basic as POPULATION is a huge fail… and there is nothing encouraging about leaving allot of chars and items behind on LOD to play with a low pop private server. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE A VIDEO ON POPULATION/AND GAME ACTIVITY IN THE ROC COMMUNITY. if you want to pull people away from other mods and Bnet i suggest you do this almost immediately.
for now players like myself are going to wait for something to convince us to change over. Show some PVP, SHOW some Numbers and you will have allot of people coming your way. PLEASE
Extremely impressed dude this server is so much fun and the people on here are super cool!
so how can one join and play on that server ? i dont get it .
Why not unite with slash diablo???
PoD is the only sane way to play d2 at this point. Charm inventory and class balancing are just musts, sorc and hdin is stale
@xtimus it’s down please contact shadow
real old school d2 classic old patch or lod patch 1.09 a,b,c , patch 1.10 and everything after ruine d2 Enigma welcome all the bot and are class breaker balance
Hi Xtimus, a question, on this server the characters that we created in the season go to single player mode when the season ends?
wtf is this?
ladder runewords work?