"The Tank" Werebear Any% Speedrun! - Diablo 2 Ultimate Strategy Guide...could've used some work...

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39 thoughts on “"The Tank" Werebear Any% Speedrun! — Diablo 2 Ultimate Strategy Guide…could've used some work…

  1. The D2 Ultimate Strategy Guide is the most useless waste of paper not published by government. Among other things, it states that Blessed Hammer isn't very good.

  2. 2109 and this …..sorry but this is funny. i realize shits fair but wtf we did this shit 15 years ago

  3. This guide isn't compatible with the version of the game that came in the box 😛

  4. To put into perspective how slow this build is I'm watching another run at the same time and they beat baal over a half hour before this bear beat duriel 🐻

  5. bro this is exactly what i was reading while taking shits as a 14-15 yr old trying to decipher the ungodly potentials of druid in d2 online, then got my ass kicked online fck that strategy guide

  6. I remember having a similar build, i got through hell with it in the end, finished up around lvl 76 for the first BAAL kill… went summon/maul/hunger hybrid with a scythe, was funny stun-locking diablo to death, but the worst thing (im glad its gone now), is that absolutely everything in Hell mode had physical immunity.

  7. Lol @ 6:44 fool in the comment section talking about WoW Druid tanks being "cute and useless"…. sounds to me like he cant druid tank, hah.

  8. the whole youtube "guide" meta is fucking irritating. why can't people just learn to play the game for themselves?

  9. I remember starting a "Tank Druid", I don't think I lasted very long before just putting skills and points wherever I felt like it. I was terrible, I was basically 1 point in each skill until level 30, because I didn't know what any of them did. Except 7 points in wolves 🙂 because Wolves.

  10. So the game is 20 years old give or take and we are still mastering the many facets, combinations and probabilities of a great classic. D2 deserves a remaster. It would be a waste if it did not receive one. Keep teaching and happy speedrunning.

  11. In the claw viper temple you could have done with a wand with charges of corpse explosion 😂

  12. Werebear is also what I played when I was 10.. seemed so cool. I just found a Diablo II Battle Chest online for $30 with the Strategy Guide, so I bought it 🙂

  13. So you mentioned how you talked to Blizz or someone about the uniqueness of maps, maggot lair, jail, etc. I like Diablo 2 a lot, but I always imagined the Far Oasis being like a small plush green area with a patch of water and a cavern somewhat like maggot lair going down into caverns with a flowing aquifer and waterfalls, similar to Maraudon in World of Warcraft, or something….

  14. I had those strategy guide books as well (in german though) when I started playing 20 years ago and totally used them in the beginning. I'm not sure if there are more recent versions of it, but mine were based on v1.07 when the game was totally different. Still, spirit of barbs was never any good and level 34 never one to brag about 🙂

  15. Hey Llama! Don't you dare edit my Bear runs short!!!!! Also, can a tank bear be a part of the rotation? Not the crappy guide version, but an actual good bear build. I'll even allow skills in the Elemental tree (But only Cyclone Armor and Armageddon 😉 ) Tanks for listening to my feedback!!!! Enjoy Mauling people!!! Almost done with the Countess so I gotta get back to it.

  16. I made this build once! Technically worked for normal mode… I have a copy of this guide, might need to revisit it for a giggle.

  17. A key point is the games was 1.08. Important to keep in mind that guide is hopelessly outdated now. Also you read in the guide about pets. 40 energy is a lot more pets than Oak Sage. Be fair in the criticism Ravens, wolves nd bear companions are all fine..

  18. The Tank spec becomes obsolete in hell mode, especially with the phys immunes. You'd have to mix shockwave to give yourself time between kills or be pummeled. Heart of the Wolverine and a Might merc helps increase the damage output. You will need enough Dexterity to handle your target elite level weapon. And also if you're a werebear, you might want to ignore werewolf altogether. the Fire Claws skill will dispatch hell's weaker physical immune minions. I had a werebear that hit for 9000 points of damage each time it swatted an enemy in hell and it had an increased attack speed of 60%. He was swinging wildly and killing single monsters within a few seconds. Only thing I hated about that setup, was that your hands hurt if you tried to do something like a cow level.

  19. yeah you should probably run this through hell

    you know, in solidarity for build experts the world around.

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