Saving Private Purple | Firebat Hearthstone Grandmasters

This is my last game against PNC, which determined whether Purple would be relegated or not.
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis


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38 thoughts on “Saving Private Purple | Firebat Hearthstone Grandmasters

  1. Such a crappy draw, and still a fairly big chance to win. Shows how ridiculously high the powerlevel of DH is.

  2. Also why do the commentators sound like they want the demon hunter cancer to win lol?

  3. My dude looked like he was trying so hard not to smile after he knows he just saved his friend from relegation. Maybe I'm seeing something that isn't there but if that's the case class act my man.

  4. Seems very arbitrary that a 4-2 and a 2-4 have to battle it out to stay on the circuit. Usually those records shouldn't even play each other?

  5. I still don't understand how Firebat's face looks so handsome when he streams and yet so freaking awful in those tournaments pictures. 😂

  6. Firebat did his part, but Purple is hardly safe, y'all. He now gets one whole series to save himself. Win and he's back next season. Lose and he's not.

  7. If I remember correctly the roles are reversed from last year so firebat has to feel good returning the favor but gg to both opponents. That mulligan was rough for PNC.

  8. On turn 8, if PNC Metamorphed instead of the first skull, he'd set 2 turn lethal, am I wrong?
    Firebat was at 19 -5 = 14HP @turn 8 end
    turn 9 would be -5 from meta = 9HP
    Kayn(3) + HP(1) + warglaive (3) + Slices (2) = 9HP
    Given he didn't know he'd draw the slices, but if you don't have faith in the heart of the cards you shouldn't be playing aggro IMHO.

  9. Is there a reason PNC prioritized killing the Skyvateers as much as he did early? I feel like sinking damage into such a low attack, high health minion, especially when it helps your opponent when it dies, feels like a waste of damage, especially when you missed your early game and so didn't have any small minions to protect. It's not like they could benefit from Stealth synergies anymore, unless he Shadowstepped them I guess, but I feel like it's a win if they're using their Shadowstep for something like that.
    Not trying to say he's bad; I just don't see the reason, and I'm curious.

  10. With Kane and hand and warglaives equipped I would have done metamorphosis every time. You were already on the back foot you needed to start pushing damage and take advantage of one of the best aggro cards ever printed

  11. He said this hurts to watch. Au contraire, fuck demon hunter and I hope it draws like that in 100 percent of its games and then gets deleted out of the game, and then men in black come to wipe my memory of ever knowing there was a 9th class

  12. Although PNC having like the worst draw he could possibly get, that game was awfully close and he could still get there if either of the skull pulled Altruis… or… if he trusted his deck

  13. DH is insane man his hand was all 5 drops and he still would have killed you with a different line those last few turns

  14. Curious as to if the other line would have won the game for the DH, if meta had been popped and went face wouldn't FB have been spooked enough to just pop Galakrond for the 5 armor if nothing else?

  15. The casters act like the twin slice draw was set in stone, but this isn't a physical card game. Wouldn't the next draw be randomly determined, and thus be just as likely to be a different card if PNC had played differently? Or is draw order really determined at the start of each game?

  16. I feel like PNC's best chance to win on that 2nd last turn was to metamorphosis and try and top deck one of the 2 twin slices the following turn. At least u could kill him that way. I dont think even with the altruis he could do 19 damage whilst playing kayn as well that last turn and if he could then surely top decking one of the twin slices was still a higher percentage play

  17. that wasn't a game, that was a massacre.
    Plays tempo deck, doesn't get a playable card till turn 4?

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