Skyrim Graphics Comparison: Nintendo Switch vs. Original vs. Remaster

The seemingly impossible has been done, Skyrim has come to the Nintendo Switch. How does it stack up visually to the already released versions?

Skyrim for Switch Review:

The First 16 Minutes of Skyrim on Nintendo Switch:

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41 thoughts on “Skyrim Graphics Comparison: Nintendo Switch vs. Original vs. Remaster

  1. Damn the switch version definitely has better lighting and textures than the ps4. Nice job Nintendo

  2. Wow the switch version looks BETTER than the PS4?!? That's crazy. I thought the PS4 was more powerful. I guess the switch just has better graphic optimization. The depth of field and hdr on the switch makes the PS4 version look lifeless.

  3. Only gripe is that colors don’t pop on the switch. Everything looks colorless and bland, graphically though, it holds very well.

  4. only thing that annoys me is the lack of grass on the switch… i like how on pc its full of grass all around… but switch is just lacking it and it feels like some of the life of skyrim just isnt there…

  5. I'm not too concerned about graphics but what I wanna know is if it's the same full game as PS3 and PS4 version. Does it have all the main campaign all sidequest including dawngaurd or is the switch to small for that?

  6. Ok, the game already looks bad as I is so there's not much of a difference. PS4 and pc can just hold the vfx slightly better than the switch. So I don't know what the big deal about it's graphics is

  7. Nintendo switch is still a little tablet that can run skyrim 60fps with minor graphical disadvantages

  8. I don't see much of a difference between PC and switch tbh. I did my own test and its the exact same thing.

  9. Oof, bought myself a ps3 last year and got this game(among 20 others) on it, played it once and never again. But on the switch it looks kinda decent so might pick it up in a sale.

  10. Althought there is diference, is not that huge. I am enjoying it in the switch.

  11. People that don’t understand what the switch was made for: “it a 6 year old game so it doesn’t matter if it runs smoothly”
    Me: it’s running on a tablet that I can take with me anywhere 🙄 that’s the idea. So what it’s old. It’s a great game

  12. I’ve played Skyrim for years and just got it on switch. I swear it actually looks better in some ways than what I’m used to.

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