SPELL DAMAGE DRAGONS, UNITE! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1505
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ES_Work These Shoes — Medite
ES_Help Me Rise Above — They Fall
ES_The Best Guys in Town — River Run Dry
ES_Hillbilly Diner — Step Two!
ES_Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin
(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:
◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Comment question: what's the funniest way you've lost a game
For me, it will always be Kripp playing arena and stumbling upon three "can't attack" minions
Disguised toast sac pacting jaraxxus in a major tournament and winning it and then oversleeping and getting disqualified the next day
Aqua making us proud as always
Favorite old clip — Kripp's "Welcome to Un'goro". He's just so smug there, pure badassitude.
My favorite is still pre-nerf Shudderwock with Disguised toast. I can still hear the jaws biting and catching as he went to sleep.
conment question: Do you like to see adventure cards in estandart?
I love the Day9 misplay where he goes ranting f you f that you didn’t see anything, stream is ending
Remember the time Disguised Toast played a bluff Reno Jackson?
i am a spell damage dragon, i cost much mana to unite
https://youtu.be/5lWMs7zuBPs this will always be my favorite clip
Reckful missing lethal on stage of Blizzcon 2013 kappa
My favourite clip is when Dane's opponent used rat to pull umbra, zola on rat then play it again, pull sneeds, get anomalus, his deathrattle triggers, clears the board preventing lethal, sneeds dies and spawns hadronox, anomalus kills itself dealing 8 damage again and killing hadronox, which spawns enough taunts to guarantee lethal again. Best part there were multiple minions in Dane's hand and sneeds had to spawn exactly those two legendaries to make this all happen. Rollercoaster of emotions
My favourite clip is Reynad winning by killing his own Savannah Highmane with Kill Command. No one thought he could win it!
I miss Toast's silly meme decks. And his occasional math 101 classes when chat got a bit too dumb.
My favorite clip has to he the one with the infinite armour druid that youd never expect to be killed getting OTK'd.
I miss stancifica and his teaching how to play , muligan and use hsreplay
10:13 Matt's a simperino riperino
I love old cilp with Kripp,when he uses mulch on n'zoth and opponent gets a n'zoth from mulch
When thijs got scammed buying a hot dog XD
Reynads "i identify as an attack helicopter" is a true classic
Reckful missed lethal
I NEED to understand, what did he think playing Nozari would do? 7:40.
favorite clip? I'd have to go with Brian Kibler loudly blowing his nose because he thought the mic was muted.