The Best Designed Hearthstone Cards imo

Here are the best designed cards in all of Hearthstone based on my opinion which is something to disagree with as you can pick any other cards and argue, Anyways, I am curious to see what cards you think are the best overall design and which cards I should have not mentioned in the video




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hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter, best designed cards in hearthstone


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36 thoughts on “The Best Designed Hearthstone Cards imo

  1. Well so… which cards would you disagree with or add to the list of best designed cards? With 2.5k+ cards I 100% overlooked some

  2. While we’re reminiscing remember when Piloted Shredder was like the best minion in the game? Or when Rotten Applebaum was the massive N’Zoth Hadronox wall; then Kartut Defender came out and it just disappeared.

  3. 2 more recent additions that I think you're missing out on here are Zephyrs the Great and Whizbang the Wonderful.
    Zeph's pretty self explanatory, he gives you a card that can completely change the outcome of the game. You can even influence what he gives you depending on what you play, and I feel that's a pretty good thing to be in the game. Unfortunately highlander decks being as strong as they are just makes him seem broken instead of well designed.
    Whizbang is brilliant design because it eases the new player experience without taking from the game at all. I think it might be better if when you got into a game you could instead "discover" a starter deck, picking from 3 different ones at the start, similar to how other at the start of game effects work.

  4. I thought you'd at least mention Galakrond when you were talking about C'Thun. They're both great design for the same reasons.

  5. Sir Finley = best card ever. Strong but not busted, skill testing, flavorful, and allowed players to defy class identity.

  6. I think Kazakus should be added to this list. He doesn’t seem nearly as game-winning or oppressive as his fellow highlander cards like Reno or Zephrys but at the same time he’s incredibly powerful and can be just as rewarding as the other two if you know what to pick. Kazakus is just a great highlander card man.

  7. I kept getting distracted with the Skyward Sword music and trying to just vibe with that. What you were saying was interesting and all that, but dat woodwind. I was just watching over a sea of clouds in my head instead of thinking about hearthstone.

  8. hehe 4 mana 7/7
    also Tirion, the single most satisfying card to play on turn 8 before mad aspect
    but damn all the new cards feel so stupidly strong and unimaginative compared to the older sets

  9. Defile is definitely what I'd consider the best designed card in Hearthstone. Both players can play around the effect and it's a card that is affected by your ability to play the game, the better you can play the game the better you'll use/play around it. No BS RNG, just pure skill. Defile should be a Basic card imo.

    Azure Drake is also a well designed card. A card draw minion, but with a stat line that isn't too threatening and can be traded with easily. With some additional versatility from the spell power.

    Zombie Chow works well for what it was designed for. Which is early game for control decks. Aggro decks can't use the 1 mana 2/3 because its deathrattle actively goes against their plan of hitting face, while for control decks it provides some much needed early game to help combat aggro and their potential high roll turn 4 lethals. It also has some cool synergy with Priest effects such as Auchenai Soulpriest.

  10. defile has always been so broken, its fun to use but it should cost 4 mana at least for a full board clear that counters deathrattles

  11. I'm surprised fatespinner isn't on this list. The idea of choosing a secret effect and playing mind games with your opponent is such a unique gameplay style, it's a shame it didn't get used more

  12. I used to loooooooove using Ivory Knight around Un'goro in a Paladin buff deck that I made. You could use it to fish for a buff or some straight damage, and it would give you some nice healing back. Miss having it in standard, but still use it in Wild sometimes 🙂

  13. 58 seconds before he shows the first card 12 minutes left, so every card takes up 1w seconds, that's why 12

  14. Lord d was so fun at 40 health on priest. Mojomaster I think I ever seen played twice ?

  15. Curator and countess amara are well designed. I love cards like those. Also bloodmage is perfect design

  16. Boulderfist Ogre not included = unfollow DonsGame
    Also I'd appreciate arcanite reaper in here. Or hero strike.

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