The FASTEST OTK Deck in Hearthstone History! | Malygos Druid | Wild Hearthstone

The fastest OTK with this deck that I’ve seen is turn 4. That ties it for fastest of all time in wild HS!
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15 thoughts on “The FASTEST OTK Deck in Hearthstone History! | Malygos Druid | Wild Hearthstone

  1. 4:09
    Innervate jepeto is the best option because you can go off next turn.
    "you need at least 1 coin or innervate for the combo" not if aviana costs 1 because you Innervate Jepeto -ed

  2. Holy shit turns out people on Legend plays degenerate decks like pirate warr and secret mage. Safer and more fun at rank 5 i suppose

  3. Very new to wild (like 2 weeks), but played this deck over last 2 days up to D5 with a 21 — 6 record. Seems strong as long as you draw plague vs aggro and dont que quest mage.

  4. ive been f2p crafting this deck and ive made all commons through epics but i still got 5 legendaries to make fml

  5. Ohh, so Kaelthes was the missing piece lol! I've played this deck without him, and with an overall more defensive build but recently tried the only ramp version. (Still no Kaelthes) It turned out that I'm just too stupid to know when to Biology Project against aggro.
    Anyways, I'm not sold on Kaelthes. You are saying it's for the combo but actually if you can get 3 Malygoses you can otk with only 2 spells, so the mana reduction is not really needed for the it. It's a nice cycle tool though, so I'll definitely try to make it work with my limited skills.

  6. Nice video jack, keep up the good work. I’m not sure that all lives matter rant was really appropriate though.

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