Totem Shaman Is A Real Deck!? | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

13-2 with Totem Shaman.

CompHS post:


00:00 Deck
01:22 Highlander Mage
05:45 Control Warlock
09:36 Embiggen Druid
13:48 Control Warlock
16:51 Highlander Rogue


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39 thoughts on “Totem Shaman Is A Real Deck!? | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone


  2. Looks like a more aggressive version of wild even shaman. Will definitely try it out later 😀

  3. Chump:he got turn one embiggen coin and breath of dream but still get fucked by totem

  4. just imagine if the 5/5 faceless totem taunt was still in rotation. This deck would be legit. Must be good in wild right? I haven't played wild in a long time, seemed filled to the brill with bullshit decks.

  5. Didn't play 7 manatide totems. Disliked, unsubscribed. XD
    Edit: he did it! The madlad actually did it!

  6. As soon as he said dislike the video I did, for all of about 3 seconds until I felt bad, liked the video then went on my moms account to like it again 🙂

  7. Would the demon that discounts itself based off damage be a good replacement for the unstable?

  8. The deck is pretty good, if u don’t face demon hunters, against demon hunter they just out tempo you. And it’s like when I play don’t want to play against them I do, and when I do want to play against them I don’t, just my match up luck :p

  9. Has somebody else played this deck outside of legend? I am currently on diamond 8 and I can't get anywhere with this. I only play against more aggressive decks who have minions on 1 and 2 and there is no chance your hero power or evil totem sticks. Yes vs slower decks this is insanely powerful with all the generation and draw, and the 0 mana buffs. But vs fast decks or atleast midrange decks with early game it has not much chance.

  10. So there's this Shaman and he, and I kid you not, he turns himself into a Totem! He's Totem Shaman! Funniest shit I've ever seen.

  11. Got first time legend with a slight variation on this list, great to see you giving it a look.

  12. Blizzard Exec: "Play test team that was supposed to check the totem shaman deck is quarantined".

    Low level functionary: "It will be fine do you honestly think a Totem Shaman can possibly be overpowered let alone competitive"?

    Both: Condescending corporate greedy laugh

    Chump: Admires full board of buffed mana totems with a sly smile

  13. You've been highrolling your ass off with those spell damage totems and drawing into your Portals/Lightning bolts soon after lmao.

    I tried this deck and each time I just get searing totems, fuck me

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