What a CLEAN Toki Game! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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33 thoughts on “What a CLEAN Toki Game! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. Can anyone tell me how that programm is called he uses to track the chances of him winning and losing? Would like to use that too

  2. A hero whose minions ignore taunt, and I actually believe that could be a thing very successfully

  3. They should make a hero that has shadowstep as a hero power. I'm pretty sure it would have to cost 3 mana, but it'd be insane in the late game.

  4. A healing heropower could be: "heal for 15 when you upgread the tavern to 6" it'd be better then patches but only if you survive midgame

  5. New hero. If you have a winstreak of 2 Wins heal 5 (youd heal again at 4 wins in a row, 6,8…)

  6. Toki is my favorite so it makes me happy to hear she has gained more favor! I only play Alexstrasza because that was your favorite!

  7. I was kinda half way listening to what he was saying, and like 5 seconds after he said it and my brain processed the accent I was like did he just say what I think he said 🤦‍♂️😂😂

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