World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Features Overview

The veil between life and death is no more. Discover what lies beyond the world you know in the next chapter of the World of Warcraft saga—Shadowlands: Coming 2020. In it, you will be able to explore the realm of the dead, pledge yourself to a covenant and shape your destiny, take on the boundless challenge of Torghast, Tower of the Damned, and journey through a new leveling experience. Learn more at


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39 thoughts on “World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Features Overview

  1. I don't know what you're saying. I bought the game for 15$ and the graphics were incredibly dated. Everything I've seen was worse than any F2P/B2P games I have played recently.

  2. Im writing this everywhere, Forum, Reddit and here.
    PLEASE BLIZZARD, dont limit Torghast like you did Horrific Visions, Raids are not limited, M+ is not Limited, so why are Horrific Visions?

  3. So:
    Diablo III recycled
    Fair Folk Emerald Dream
    Scourge Prequel
    Finally Real Vampires

  4. Just me or these zones look very similar to Shadowmoon Valley, Argus, Halls of Valor and Naxxramas/Plaguelands?

  5. Same graphic detail as 15 years ago. Minor improvements I know, but nearly identical.

  6. MoP was better than Legion, BFA and WoD combined. Frankly I think the way for Shadowlands to succeed is for the devs to look at MoP. That was when the game was packed with things to do that didn't all feed into eachother and some boring progression system. Igearing had depth without some external artifact system like Azerite and class design/fantasy where both perfect Warlock's green fire is the precise example of what wow needs rewards that aren't tied to power or some stupid Bar.

  7. Sylvanas AGAIN YAWN. This cinematic would have been incredible if she had completed her task went to see this mystery dude and he straight up demolished her. At least we would have some excitement or wonder about who or what could be so powerful they just wrecked the chick that wrecked the Lich King.

  8. this will most like ly be the first wow expantion i will not buy. it looks awsome but ever since pathfinder i have gone from 12 months a year playing and subscription too 2 months a year, first year buy gasme and rep, 2nd year comeback for flying rep, this time its pointless, to many sme same modes thats just repeating less content like challence mode and raids are now lfr which means less people cant be bothered with normal or hc cause well they can see the content end game in a cue.
    Sorry but for me this month ill enjoy my last wow experience(i hope) if they brough back fling on the ding id be eating my words.

  9. I stopped long ago but my prediction of this expansion is the helm will need to be reforged because darkness will corrupt the land. Struggles will happen but this event will have to be turned around and sylvanus will ultimately turn I to an endgame boss and die

  10. Another wierd storyline so they can reuse old characters again.. as WoD with alternate universe wasen't wierd enough, let's get into afterlife-world and mess with that too….

    Na, I wont buy this…

  11. I want Kel'Thuzad to come back, he's still alive according to lore with his Phylactery missing in WotLK. Make him a villain too, a Lich on our side just sounds weird.

  12. Again bla bla bla the end of everything bla bla and what happens bunch of monkeys half of them not knowing the mechanics save azeroth again…..

  13. You can see from the silhouette that the big shadowy figure is Velen.

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