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  1. I work in healthcare, specifically with people with drug and alcohol dependence, what you said about people projecting their misery is 100% my experience. For some people it’s the only way they know how to co-regulate and express themselves. I respond to anger and negativity with empathy and friendship, glad to know someone else out there thinks like me.

  2. You know it is a serious speedrun when the player moves faster than the game can load maps! 😀

  3. Damn mr llama out here ready to pound demon dudes and chew bubblegum. and he's all out of gum

  4. Find someone who looks at you the way MrLlama looks at that Coronet. Seriously though, what a ridiculous drop. 3:22:39

  5. 13:06 MIREIGI, if you're reading this on YT then yes. socialism is quite most egoistic government. i think about that for months. but you're wrong at one point. socialists force other people to pay for those help. and force people to help others. because they don't want to. that's other side of socialist egoism, like what other face of capitalism help we'll see now. time changes, but we still are based on XIX century definitions. everything evolves, but not discussion about those definitions. that's bad 😡

  6. self-help articles for extroverts would in most times be pointless as they are the type of people that don't listen to advice and don't read

  7. Great effort! I was thinking you seem to sometimes have some space management issues, wanting to keep the partisan in case you got a mercenary etc. Have you considered when you find a good bit of kit; hiring a merc put the gear on him and just let him die, then when you want the gear just resurrect him, gives you extra space for gloves, boots, helm and weapon (or shield if you get a iron wolf)

  8. Big Congrats Lama, I have been watching you SR about a year ago, totally glued to this and restarted my own d2 since 16 years ago. Keep going Sir.

  9. It was to hear your insight on the current state of the world. Fascinating run

  10. Nice! Congrats on the WR, Llama! That was a great run even with those nasty souls right at the end. Thank goodness for that light res 🙂

  11. Great performance, great entertainment, great attitude, great social skills with the chat, great content for the Diablo franchise.
    Congratulations and thank you.

  12. I love Blessed Hammer and LF for how quickly they ramp up to murder screens full of enemies. Grats on this run Lama. You have the worst drops…

  13. That hell Durance is the reason why i hate farming meph in battlenet… even more so with a new char. and GZ!!!

  14. Dude, sick run. That was so much fun to watch. Congrats! Fucking awesome. Love the wiz spike equip at the end too. Finishing in style!

  15. Hi, just come back to play some d2. anyway anyone, know if anyway i can install and launch the game fit to the screen resolution on Win10? cause when i open the game it is only 800×600 tho.

  16. 5 minutes into the video and I'm more interested in hearing what you're talking about than watching the playthrough. I agree with you on what you've said so far.

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