WoW Speed Leveling: Lvl 1-120 (Non-Monk/Solo/BFA) - 34:07:31 Part 1

The start of the longest journey I’ve ever done o.o (1-65) — Watch live at

Update 2 — This is no longer the WR. I did another run on April 12th that beat this by a whopping 12 hours!

Update — Holy moly so many people! Since I’m getting a lot of people lookin, I want to mention a few things:

— The reasoning for the mailing at the start is due to the rule set at the time. This required the timer to be started on the character BEFORE any other action could be taken
— Part 2 can be found here and Part 3 here
— This was before I found out I had to have my mic facing upwards, so my mic was essentially pointed right at my keyboard. My bad on that 😛


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38 thoughts on “WoW Speed Leveling: Lvl 1-120 (Non-Monk/Solo/BFA) — 34:07:31 Part 1

  1. This is a cheating from the start. With all the stuff sent by mail … Fukkn fraud and not real speed leveling. A 10 year old child could do it tthis way …

  2. The sounds of your keyboard, you eating chips and opening a can of something, and your noisy little brother, makes this video hilarious!

  3. you should take of a few secs to apply a xmog, im sure that looking good will boost your morale and cut off some minutes 😀

  4. I have a lvl 45 warrior and it's my first time playing through the game 😅 how do you get surrounds by like 7 enemies and take no damage. I get smacked.

  5. Friend: you want to go to a party tonight
    Him: just gonna level from level 1 to 120
    Friend: thats impossible

  6. how the hell did you one shot all those murlock in the beggining only with Shadow word pain? what gear is that and where can i get it?

  7. my ass gotta take out a whole 3 to 4 weeks to level a single character, this nigga did it in 8 hours

  8. Hey, I quit wow about 10 months ago. And I just quickly went trough your video, but on my level 1 and 10 twinks I always used: Iron Boot Flask. Also when leveling. It is a toy that puts a costume for 10 minutes (1 hour CD) and it has a small chance to inflict 150-200 dmg to an enemy when being attacked. Not sure if this helps a lot but I think it saves a bit in the earlier levels.

  9. Oh i miss the old days ..walking arround elwynn forest exploring ..finding people to kill the HOGGER 😍..going near duel spot to find some generous level 80 dude who will spare some gold for skills , ..talkimg with new players having fun … good old days 😍😍😍 no mounts till lvl 20 walking all the way damn miss those days

  10. Wait what is the leveling different cause it cost me a few days to hit lvl 35 or so back in the day haha

  11. If this was pre-cataclysm, at the end of this video you would be around level 35.

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