xBlyzes vs AyRoK - Final - Hearthstone Masters Tour Arlington

xBlyzes and AyRoK face off in the Finals, Day 3 of the Hearthstone Masters Tour Arlington! http://PlayHearthstone.com/esports Follow us for the latest news and …


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35 thoughts on “xBlyzes vs AyRoK — Final — Hearthstone Masters Tour Arlington

  1. Galakrond warrior and rogue are dumb asf. To be able to do whatever you want and win, and even if you fall behind, the galakrond itself is giving you the win with card draw and stupid power up, allowing you to burst people from close to 30, insane.

  2. I intalled this game five times but still iam not able to undestand it,can anybody tell me how to play this game but tell me in a very simple way that i undertand ?😊

  3. 41:00 why not mortal coil your snip first, then plague, then netherwing instead? He just wasted the netherwing when it could've survived no?

  4. "Pyroblast is very effective against warlocks who go low life"…Ain't it effective against any class that goes low life ?

  5. Spoilers

    In game 3 AyRoK could have possibly survived another turn by playing Deathwing and hoping that Deathwing will kill his opponent's 3 minions, then Alex-ing himself. Sure, it's a super low probability play, but he kind of gave up with that conjurer's calling play.

  6. Anyone knows a recommendation for priest deck for basic cards? I need a recommendation cuz i suck at this game lol

  7. you know what is going on with the ending of the first match? they concede 2 seconds before defeat? how rude and childish!!

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