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#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #savjz
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First time being first lol
First time being second lol
would have been first but was afk
First time being 147th lol.
whats the thing that shows the percentage of fights called?
fIrSt tImE bEiNg tHiRtEeNtH lOl
Who's controlling the mouse? APM is unreal, must be fake Savjz
Title refers to opponent
These trades in last two turns, were horrible :< GG tho
3:38 cuz now the ho actually gets those kills 😂
Should have played mega, stats didn't even matter that much at that point.
Nice video Mr. Bann lol 😎
How does amalgadon works why savjz have only pirates he adapt 2 times
The title is an outstanding jeff baitsos, i give you that
7:54 When you hear Twist of Fate and somehow you expect a Jeff Hardy Reference XD
"We get a hooker next turn"
Savjz, 2020