ALMOST 14K RATING | Hearthstone Battlegrounds

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12 thoughts on “ALMOST 14K RATING | Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. ,,WHERE IS MY MEGASAUR,, he says as there is GIANT RED CROSS over symbol of beast 😀

  2. I just realized something: I think Megasaur is the only 6-star unit that immediately increases your win percentage against any opponent drastically. The others require time to gain value (for instance Mama Bear and Kalecgos), a lot of buffs to be good (Imp Mama and Foe Reaper) or require certain builds from your opponent to be effective (Zapp). I guess that makes Murlocs so consistent, get one lucky Megasaur and your win percentages go from 1.4% to 90%…

    Do people think it is good to have such a minion in the game?

  3. Deserved that 1.4% win just for that name joke at the beginning.

    And because "MeGaSoUr Is A bEaSt U nOOb".

    KEKW Twitchchat

  4. I don't really understand how first attack works, but the first round shouldn't be 25% tie? How did the plugin knew rafaam was going to attack first?

  5. so silly that the megasaur gets included in non beast games. i guess once the patch hits and all tribes are included the silliness will subside

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