The goal of this Hearthstone Control Warrior OTK combo deck is to use Spellzerker combined with Bash and Ethereal Augmerchant! We do this by playing Brann Bronzebeard, Spellzerker, Ethereal Augmerchant, Bloodsworn Mercenary, and double Bash for the 30 damage OTK! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
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Brendan Long
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Bagus Tuladanny
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#Hearthstone #OTK #ScholomanceAcademy
Wild res priest has to be the most degenerate possible deck in all of hearthstone. Those wins where they emote all game and shut up when they realise they got outplayed hard are so satisfying
the hs GOAT
That opponent's deck is pretty good
Gotta love a Rez priest who’s very proud of themselves.
I can't wait to see Mark pulling the most crazy combos with the new expansion 😀
Day 3 of asking for Ozruk+charge+Maiev+flip OTK.
N1664 we need Milhouse Otk deck
what the hell is that res priest? He literally would have won if he ran a proper big priest package instead of random techs here and there. Heck just running a kel'thuzad or Y'Shaarj would have prob been gg already
5:05 By the old gods! Nice removal.
5:25 aNoTHer SouL To COnsUmE
Mark: Your enemy won't see this coming
plays Emperor Thaurissan
Damn that first game was soooo clutch!
Mark makes priests like difficult day 1000
how dare you draw the last combo card before emptying your deck lol
The funny thing about all the whining about res priest is that it's not even that good, you either die early because of "insert aggro deck here" or you can't keep up with the amount of mass removal that control and Reno decks can put out on the field, It is even more efficient to Play the charge minions instead to actually trade and win the game or if you're feeling kinda quirky the Classic Maly/Velen (Got kinda bad with the nerf of Smite tho)
They should change Bash so that the armour gain is equal to the damage it deals. Maybe that'd be a bit broken, but I think it'd be cool.
have to agree exact 30 is very satisfying, but also very frustrating when a priest burgles one of your armor spells!
Aaaaaal right deck intro time, and this time? We are going to get cock and balls torture.
I wanna see a Darkness OTK but you use Maiev to keep him dormant a little bit longer
I’ve watched a lot of your videos recently, but 8:30 has finally secured my subscription. Too funny! 😄
5:24 there were so many souls to consume the game lagged a bit