Brawl Block: Galakrond Dragon Reno Rogue | Tavern Brawl | Hearthstone

A rare fun Tavern Brawl. The format is much more open-ended and interesting than the typical Brawl.

Deck Code: AAEBAaIHHtkN9Q36DugS6RLDFsQWhReqsgKCtQKStgK5rgO9rgPArgPBrgP5rgP+rgOqrwPOrwPnsAOBsQOCsQOFsQOHsQORsQPjtAOEtgObtgOetgPLwAMAAA==

00:00 Deck
01:34 Galakrond Priest
15:49 Midrange Paladin


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33 thoughts on “Brawl Block: Galakrond Dragon Reno Rogue | Tavern Brawl | Hearthstone


  2. Chump playing Galakrond Rogue makes me sick to the stomach due to how much he rags on it.

  3. Damn this really made me miss the OG Hearthstone. You know, before it became a clown fiesta

  4. I know it’s Singleton, but seeing haunted creeper made me die a little inside

  5. I like the idea but not so much the execution at least its not a hope your random deck of cards abuses the gimick better the the opponents random deck or die to the flavor of aggro the tavern brawl makes tier 1

  6. You ever gonna stream on Twitch so I have someone fun to watch?

  7. I love this Brawl. So far, I've been doing great with Dragon Hunter and Galakrond Warlock. Also, most importantly: Put Dragonmaw Poacher in any deck you build.

  8. I typically don't like Brawl content either, but watching someone make a deck with the card collection I wish I had is neat.

  9. Imagine being f2p hoping to get a free pack and then getting suprise mauled by Chump in the tavern

  10. Wait I am confused. Why is Dragon's Hoard the only spell in the Spellkin pool when Praise Galakrond! exists?

  11. Before seeing this, I built a Galakrond Dragon Reno Priest. Glad to see that I'm picking things up from the master.

  12. @chump consider next an otk spell damage rogue (the secret +candle breath+ galakrond alone draws 14 cards and costs 3 each)

    arcane watcher for the meme, and a bunch of spell damage. it is super fun!

  13. Arcane Breath in Mage is pretty insane as it nearly always discovers itself. Fun to build around.

  14. there is a quiet poetry to chump's "could've entombed a kronx". thank you for posting tb this week, very into the brawl block!

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