Highlander Galakrond Rogue | Standard | Hearthstone

The continuation of my previous Rogue deck and I went with the Highlander route this time!

Deck code: AAECAaIHHrQBsgLtAs0DmwWIB90IhgmggAO0hgOPlwOSlwOhoQP8owPypQOEpwP1pwO2rgO5rgO/rgPBrgP+rgOqrwPOrwOCsQORsQPjtAOdtgOftwPLwAMAAA==


• Constructed: http://bit.ly/TrumpMoreStandard
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♬ Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com/
♬ Ronald Jenkees http://www.ronaldjenkees.com/


‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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31 thoughts on “Highlander Galakrond Rogue | Standard | Hearthstone

  1. Lol I went taunt windfury on Siamat for the first time earlier the day I watched this

  2. 9:20

    I'm kind of getting annoyed of this big where cards to be released start appearing in the reborn and discover pools.

  3. The last one is face player in a nutshell.
    Proceeds to lower the entire opponent's health by turn 5. Sees three taunts and instantly concedes

  4. It just occurred to me, playing galacron effectively unenvoked produces the most adorable tiny boss theme ever. It made me chuckle

  5. Can someone pls explain who came up with shitty name "highlander" and why everyone started to accept it?

  6. Galakrond synergy cards are SO BAD in a highlander Galakrond deck. Either do not run Galakrond synergy cards like the Skulker, or do not run Highlander. You cannot have both, otherwise you're going to have extremely bad variance. Not to mention the Sculptor being hard to use mid to late game if you haven't managed to get Galakrond cards, or cards that add more cards to your hand. You have 30 cards in your deck. The majority of your cards should be playable even outside of the climate you put them specifically in the deck for. A lot of times, Skulker being too dependent on other cards makes it add up to the amount of mana you could've just spent using Sprint. Having a convoluted card dependent on having cards you either don't need, or don't have to draw more cards is terrible. Just run Sprint.

  7. I'll never get over the fact that Trump just doesn't value his HP against aggressive opponents. If it wasn't for the Zilliax topdeck he might have still lost that last game to some invoke + silence/execute combo. A game that he should never lose if he just stayed above 15 health

  8. Hey trump for mobile users we cant copy the deck code if you post it directly in the video description, it would be so awesome of you to put deck codes online and just put the link to that site in your video description, that way folks like myself can more easily play with and dominate with your decks! By the way I just went 6-2 with highlander priest. Feels good.

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