Butcher Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm

Kevin “Cloaken” Johnson introduces you to the newest Assassin entering the Nexus, the Butcher.

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42 thoughts on “Butcher Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm

  1. This is the only assassin I enjoy being killed by…
    Idk why but it's so satisfying seeing a Butcher player killing everyone perfectly, independent of the team it belongs to

  2. Butcher is still my favorite assassin. Late game if you've gathered the necessary meat stacks he's an absolute terror requiring 2 or more to bring him down.

  3. I remember when I wanted him banned from the game because I had no idea how to counter him. Ah, the folly of youth.

  4. The cleaver is OK but that's not a sickle.its supposed to be a bit longer and more straight than a hook.

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