Diablo 1 - The Skeleton King

Diablo, Skeleton King boss.


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22 thoughts on “Diablo 1 — The Skeleton King

  1. Plot Twist…The Skeleton King is actually the protagonist's father…Leoric! :O

  2. So, this is better compared to Diablo 3? Sorry, but at least Diablo 3 feels exciting, I watch this and feel so bored.

  3. Just spent 20 minutes trying to kill him with my level 9 warrior but nothing worked! Read online he has fuckin 100% life leech upon hit, fml.

  4. 2 Big mistakes: 1st: Turned music off!!!!! (Diablo 1 had the best music of all 3 Diablo games) 2nd) All the time Automap on!!!! WTF???

  5. "The warmth of life has entered my tumb. Prepare yourself, mortal, to serve my Master for eternity… laughs"-

  6. picture this — you are 8 years old alone in your room, and you play this game, and you hear "ahhhh fresh meat" and this fucking thing that can kill u in 3 hits runs at you. i have never been more afraid of a game in my life

  7. The only problem I have with Diablo 1 is you have to keep clicking to keep attacking. Gives me a sore finger every time I play. Blizzard should patch it so you can hold down the mouse button rather than having to click click click.

  8. Yo my skeleton king died when i was at the very beginning of the level, my character js randomly said "rest easy" or smth and i discovered a seemingly immortal skeleton, kept hitting him but he wont die, i only found leorics body and took his crown right in front of his throne. Tf?

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