The Butcher Diablo 1 vs Diablo 3

Diablo 1 vs Diablo 3 — The Butcher
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37 thoughts on “The Butcher Diablo 1 vs Diablo 3

  1. Yeah d3 butcher is a hell of a lot better graphically and actually has more attacks than just slash slash slash, but d1 butcher just had way more flavor and soul to him. Plus he killed you in like five seconds — d3 butcher is sad in comparison.

  2. Diablo 1 butcher was just there, open the door and bang you had a demon that could wreck you. D3 butcher was turned into a set piece.

  3. I feel like Diablo has moved to a quite different direction over the releases. What I enjoyed in D1 was that it seemed like a realistic medieval story. Small town, king died, king's son disappeared, archbisschop involved, and the local creepy cathedral is acting weird.

    Then you look at things like the Butcher. It is for me not a real boss fight. He truly resides in the cathedral, sometimes coming up, looking for fresh meat from bypassing town folk. You accidentally open the door while he is busy dissecting an innocent man, then he notices you.

    He is skilled and fast with his cleaver, stands solidly on his hooves, which enable him to walk very quickly. The casualness of such 'boss' encounters add to the immersiveness of the whole game. It's a realistic environment and the way it looks matches with what you would expect from a game with such a dark topic.

    I really like how Diablo has developed, from such a seemingly local issue that seemingly got solved, to a larger than life heaven and hell battle, where the forces of evil have corrupted everything, even heaven itself. The whole trilogy really builds up the story well, but for me, the Butcher just does not fit in Diablo 3. There are some really good bosses and moments in D3, but they should really have stuck to what they are good at and move on from these past bosses such as the butcher and the skelleton king. I hope D4 will focus on its own new thematic and do so with full conviction.

  4. the one fact that old butcher comes out from the dark without any warning and inevitably kills you…
    yes not fair, but that's what makes it awesome. that's what the people of tristram were talking about.
    and that's what makes you want to try again and play better next time. to kill this monster.

  5. I see too much negative comments on Diablo 3… Yes diablo 1 and 2 were cool and perfect…. but gosh the graphics they are just so good at diablo 3 for 2012 game and I loved that we saw all 5 angels! The Malthael trailer was so cool! And it had cool story! The only problem was that it was too easy! But here what you do just put torment 12-13 + Hardcore on the beggining have fun! Gosh I hate diablo 3 haters … the blizzard gaved us perfect game but you little shits don’t like it because it haves too good graphics and don’t have that stupid music of d1-2… just get playlist and that’s it!

  6. Killing baddies left right and center, who is this Butcher terrorizing the humble townsfolk? Rushing to quickly take him out, finding his lair, startled by a demonic deep voice out of the darkness "ah, fresh meat" the bloodied butcher rushes towards you, brutally hacking you to death with a meat cleaver. Stunned, you put the controller down for a moment while whispering to yourself "WTF?" The moment it all changes. This game is serious you realize as chills rush down your spine. You pick the controller back up, your hands unsteady, the controller shakes a little as you make your way back down the dungeon again. Your face no longer confident and determined, but a slow steady rise of fear starts from within you, from a video game. D1 is absolutely classic. D3 was cartoony compared to the depth and atmosphere of D1.

  7. The Butcher was in Warcraft 3 also. he drops wirt's other leg

  8. i don't hate diablo 3 . It's just can't be paired with d1 and d2. To be fair the ''nephalem'' demi god thing as to do with it. Sure the game made things that we wanted in d2, like more elaborate skill tree.
    a game that got the Diablo feeling is path of exile. By respect for Blizzard i really think they can make a other diablo, or a new story setting between the 1 and 2 or before the first game , what ever. I just wish the game to feel more dark. Like i really want to feel like i should play the game alone at night because thats how i felt playing d1 and d2. Feeling like you weren't a demi god and just a over the top humain.

  9. I was 11 at my grandpa's house playing on his old windows 95, I wasn't sure when i was going to meet the butcher, nor did i know what he was gonna look like.

    I saw the bloody red room but died before i could open it, thinking it was something special i did my best to avoid enemies and get back to the room only to be jump-scared by the sudden and loud "Fresh meat!" Then this pink fucker comes out and hacks me up! Next thing i knew i was looking at Tristram with my hand slightly shaking.

  10. wont gonna lie, i cried the moment diablo 1 butcher walked out of his cave when i was 8. when d3 butcher walked out, i was yawning and praying it would go faster than 13 seconds cos i wanted to get it over and done with

  11. Lol from a person who never played the game the butcher in d3 is wayyy cooler. Idk y all yhis hate???

  12. People are delusional, the butcher 3 is better in all aspect than butcher 1, but people confuse nostalgic with quality, is the bad thing to have a lot of 30 or 40 years old people commenting in old videogames.

  13. D3 looks like a blacksmithing with all onfire… where s the meat? The Blood?…

  14. Diablo 1 is pure nightmare fuel, and the concept (the descension all the way to hell) is dark in itself. Diablo 3…well, it's not terrible but not good either, it's mediocre.

  15. Feel bad for people who have played Diablo 1 before Diablo 3. Letting a kid playing both Diablos and they all will agree that Diablo 3 is a lot better, more scary, and better done than Diablo 1. Well … Diablo 1 looks … just like an unrefined old unrealistic-looking game. Diablo 3 looks too real, something like a 2012 that worth playing.

  16. Diablo 1 and 2 were the best games in the Diablo franchise. FYI, if I had to choose which game is better though, I go with Diablo 1. If Diablo 1 had graphics and cinematics similar to Diablo 2 or better, Diablo 1 blows all the Diablo games out of the water. Diablo 3 is a joke compared to those games.

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