Diablo 2 Producer Slams Blizzard for Failing to Foresee Diablo Immortal Outrage

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1059206672143409155


— Thelionsam
— Shawn Duane Cottrell
— SolidJake
— Alex Moretti
— Vin Giorgio
— FreedTerror
— Joe Hunt
— Matthew Szalkiewicz
— Peter
— Zander Rose
— Joel Wesley Salyer
— John A Perez
— justconst
— comfyHat
— Jonathan Ball
— Michael Redmond
— oh2one2
— David Doty
— Michael P. Reid
— Mark Taylor
— Christopher Davis Kildahl
— Jade Rose
— Prismat Dragoon
— Darien Cunningham
— Princess Stabbity
— Jake Betts


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49 thoughts on “Diablo 2 Producer Slams Blizzard for Failing to Foresee Diablo Immortal Outrage

  1. Some harsh words there, but he absolutely nailed it in the head.

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    — Thelionsam

    — Shawn Duane Cottrell

    [BIG BOSS]

    — SolidJake

    — Alex Moretti

    — Vin Giorgio


    — FreedTerror

    — Joe Hunt

    — Matthew Szalkiewicz

    — Peter

    — Zander Rose

    — Joel Wesley Salyer

    — John A Perez

    — justconst

    — comfyHat

    — Jonathan Ball

    — Michael Redmond


    — oh2one2

    — David Doty

    — Michael P. Reid

    — Mark Taylor

    — Christopher Davis Kildahl

    — Jade Rose

    — Prismat Dragoon

    — Darien Cunningham

    — Princess Stabbity

    — Jake Betts

  2. “ don’t you guys have phones?” Yes and the reason I don’t use it as a gaming device is because to actually get anywhere in a mobile game you have to spend money that could buy you a brand new AAA every week not to mention bland gameplay and repetition. That’s why I don’t use my phone to play games asshole.

  3. I just saw Mark Kern's last name and got shocked. A first time seeing someone with my shared last name

  4. Blizzard: "Do you guys not have smartphones?"
    Me: Well I don't, but even if I did I still wouldn't buy your shit game ya morons.

  5. I hadn't heard about this controversy. Now that I read this I am gobsmacked by Activision's poor public relations. You have a market that is willing to spend thousands of dollars to specifically customize machines just so that they can play your game. This is like a classic car market. You've become a legend in the industry, a reputation crafted over many, many years. And they ask, "don't you have a phone?" Wow. People aren't ever going to forget that. Next year at Blizzcon there will be people mocking Activision when they announce a PC product with, "Does that come out on mobile?" Every. Single. Time. Then they double down on that and say that their criticism is due to toxic masculinity? Wow. I used to buy a lot of Blizzard products. I was a huge fan of Warcraft 2 and Diablo 2. I still have a character that I want to finish in Hell on Diablo 2. I don't own a phone. I like playing D2 on my box, single player. HC Diablo 2 untwinked. It's a great game. I didn't buy Diablo 3 because they insisted that I log in to play single player. I thought that was a tone deaf move. Now, insinuating that criticism of a mobile platform is due to misogyny? Good luck Blizzard. Plenty of games out there to play that aren't published by you.

  6. That is what you get when you fire all the real gamers developers, directors and producers — and hire a bunch of money sharks. Well done, Blizzard.

  7. its gamers faults that gaming is in the state it is. who is STILL the person that pays for those micro transactions? the gamers

  8. This is why people pay attention to you, yong, and not those idiots on twitter. You truly know what you're talking about — keep making great, informative videos.

  9. I hope their success is so gigantic with that and as result the greed will leave real Gaming. Lol mobile gaming…

  10. What has gender to do with a crappy mobile game? The guy who posted that must be nominated for the BBF award; big bias feminazi (yeah i made that up for showing just how stupid that post is)

  11. I say kill all of them greedy buttholes .I say Good bye EA Activision Blizzard and epic games and ninja team and that peace of crap Soleil

  12. Bethesda and blizzard are fucking up games now and fortnite is the most popular game around. I think its time to quit gaming. Fucking sad. Well maybe after Elder Scrolls 6…. LOL

  13. My phone wont run this piece of shit game, my phone is old….but my PC, Xbox, ps4 and my fucking nintendo will…..Gamers dont game on fucking phones!!!!!

  14. Love your video series yongyea! You seem to really do your research before posting your videos instead of most YouTubers that read a headline and take things face value. Planning on supporting your patreon, you really deserve it!

  15. somehow they think that a mobile diablo game is a good idea?? there has been tons of mobile games on smartphones already so why wud diablo immortal any different?

  16. mobile rpg games existed ever since ppl started having smartphones. releasing this lame mobile version of the best rpg game existed is just lame…releasing this in 2019 is like erh late by 200 years.

  17. "Soulless" is absolutely right. A friend gifted me a copy of Battelfront 2 recently and, full disclaimer, I'm a pretty big StarWars fan. But from the main menu (to seeing that EA snuck its way into the game's friggin' title …) to the singleplayer campaign and multiplayer modes… It all felt completely dead. Corporate.There was no passion in it at all. The best way I can explain it is that playing it made me feel like I should be thankful that they created this "great product", not something that is trying to grab me and entertain me with compelling gameplay or otherwise. So yes: It felt completely soulless.

  18. Game companies in general are not what they used to be it's all about money now. Mobile is more money and then they wanna attack gamer's their clients and act like that is not the case xD!!!!! I laughed so hard. Hopefully consumers start waking up and think twice about spending money on these big companies who often screw us

  19. If Blizzard continues to develop PC games that's going to kill them, PC games are no longer competitive since 2016. If you guys punish Blizzard by taking a step forward in the actual market reality you'll have to say goodbye to this game developer. Something to mention is as good was D2 as much the D2 team failed to do anything else. PC gamers lost their connection with reality and Blizzard is to blame!?!?!?!  Wake up guys

  20. It is happening… games are made by guys who dont play games anymore, they wont even try their own games or they wouldnt release half the shit they release each year…

  21. good god twitter is horrible — your montage SS of really put all of this into perspective… i can imagine it's way worse now

  22. im done with new games my new fun is getting more money, nobody makes good games anymore, d2 still the best wtf

  23. Cool video only give 5 bucks to be one of the cool kids? Wow I thought you were against pay to win. -ENF

  24. Actupvision WANT fans to blame Blizzard, they see them as dead weight and an obstacle on their fast track to the bank.
    Their wannabe status never made the kind of money that they really wanted. They were never TRULY legendary, and will never have any status with gamers but don't really care. They have their cash cow as is evident from all the wow updates while ignoring everything else. Blizzard is not in charge of anything obviously. They must have signed away too many rights all those years ago when they were younger . . . ActupVision is a vampire company. Blizzard needs to kick AV to the curb and talk about what's really going on

  25. he asked if it was an april fools joke because they actually made that joke a couple of years before and promised they wouldn't do that to us

  26. FLASH BACK TO THE FUTURE: Jan/31/2020.

    Aaaaaaaand WC3 Reforged sucks, and Blizzcon 2018 was an epic failure. The End.

  27. I’m just thinking “don’t play it”. But I would also be pretty mad if I took time out of my schedule to see a pc based diablo only to see a crappy mobile

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