Diablo - Slain Hero (Diablo 1)

This is not an actual quest in Diablo. I decided to upload this in case anyone misses it through their travels. Occassionaly you can find a corpse, titled «Slain Hero» in the caves, which prompts character dialogue upon looting. I’ve always had it drop a breast plate. A short clip, but I figured I should upload it regardless.


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20 thoughts on “Diablo — Slain Hero (Diablo 1)

  1. I'm not so sure the best move would be to switch ones armor with the dead guy's :S
    Not blaming the player btw 😛

  2. @123rickar Nope. The Rogue character from Diablo is Blood Raven in Diablo 2. The Mage is The Summoner, and the Warrior is Diablo himself.

  3. When I looted him, he dropped a Book of Lightning. It may have been somewhat influenced by the fact that I was a Sorcerer at the time.

  4. I think its funny that when you click on one corpse and he drops gold, your character shrugs it off, but when he drops valuable armor, he's all too willing to thank the dead fella laying on the ground in a pool of blood.

  5. if slain heros revive in undead and attack player, the story will be more interesting.

  6. The slain hero drops a magic breast plate for Warriors, a magical longbow for Rogues, and a lightning spell-book for Sorcerers.

  7. Funny that you failed cus first there is not barbarian in Diablo1 AND now in Diablo3 we know that the Dark wanderer is King leoric's son. Dont make stuff up dude.. Just don't:s

  8. My mistake, I meant Warrior from Diablo 1. However, the dark wanderer is Leorics other son, a.k.a. the warrior from D1. Wrap your head around this little nugget,they are the same…..wait for it….person!

  9. OK if you didn't have such a squared mind, you'd find out he obviously meant the warrior. And in D3 they just built like a whole new story, ignoring the lore that was already on D1 and D2, so that 10 year old newcomers could understand… but they actually ruined it for the original fans -.- and yeah, through D2 you could tell these characters were the rogue and sorcerer, AND they always made it clear that the Dark wanderer was the hero that killed Diablo in first place, never some Leoric's son

  10. Ofc they make up lore when its a new game, ignoring the old lore how? Read the books dude-.-'

  11. Actually I believe, that in D3 you find out that the warrior from D1 IS leoric's son.
    I'm not 100% sure about this but as far as I know I've seen it on several Diablo lore videos on youtube aswell.

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