Diablo - The Curse of King Leoric (Diablo 1)

This is the story and lore behind Diablo’s King Leoric, the fight itself and what the townsfolk had to say about it. I plan to do this for all of the Diablo quests, and perhaps Diablo 2 eventually.


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42 thoughts on “Diablo — The Curse of King Leoric (Diablo 1)

  1. that is because in D3 they decided "F it we can just change the story to be whatever we want and people wont notice, hey who still remember D1 anyways right? Right?"

  2. When you find Lazarus, Albrecht is the sacrificed boy on the stone altar. He's already dead, his blood spilled into the bowls on either side.

  3. Yes, Albrecht was Diablo, but that boy who was lying on the altar sure was the one who went with Lazarus into the labirynth and he was taken by the Butcher to Lazarus.

  4. Actually, there has been an speculation that the warrior is actually a King Leoric's elder son, Prince Aidan and brother of the kidnapped son from this game. It is mentioned in Diablo III at The Lore Panel BlizzCon 2011. You better check it out in Diablo 3 Wiki.

  5. Back in the day the games weren't only great. They were also hard!
    You had to actually use your pots and run away many times. 
    Today your character dances around a little and sends his shiny waves of death and all your opponents die instantly…

  6. "The Warmth of life has entered my tomb, prepare yourself mortal to serve my master for eternity!"

  7. He's a pain in the ass to fight as a sorcerer. Keeps raising these freaking skeletons all over the place while you get in position.

  8. I found King Leoric's treasure chest, over 100.000 in Gold!!
    thy master is called Greed Eternal.
    All hail King Leoric
    This game is pure genius & i think that its much better than Diablo 2

  9. Interesting thing about the mithril sword, seeing as how mithril really was never mentioned again in the series (was it?) and in D3, Leoric has a mace.

  10. king leoric scared the soul out of me when I saw him I just ran back to the upper level. Imagine a 14ft skeleton with his 10ft long sword running twice your speed towards you that is shit scary!

    tip: a axe always comes in handy towards king leoric

  11. >tfw you come back from war only to have to kill your undead Father driven mad by an extra dimensional demon.
    >tfw you have to kill your little brother who was used as a host by aforementioned demon
    >tfw YOU get possessed by that same demon and used to bring about an attempted end of the world


  12. when they said that Aiden had a brother I laughed, "the main character says he'll find his son!" Seems like he would remember what his brother looked like in Lazuars' Unholy Alter. Aiden would've remembered Lachdanan too lol. the only evidence it's Aiden is Cain says "but you already know that" when talking about Lachdanan

  13. So how it is exactly?
    0:07 Ogden says only "some months ago" when the events are started, it wasn't even as an instant how the king succumbed to madness but a slow progress.
    Then 2:35 Wirt says that "the king had been dead for longer than he's been alive".

    I never really understood Diablo's background story timeline.
    Diablo who had no physical form in Sanctuary needed a mortal host to possess its body to be able to manifest in a physical form.
    First he chose Leoric, but the king was so tenacious and strong in spirit that Diablo's evil couldn't completely possess him, instead he was driven in to madness. However Diablo had a much easier job with Leroic's sickly son, Albrecht.
    So how long time did it take when Leoric was fighting his inner fight against Diablo's possession (when he made those executions including his own wife)?
    How much time has it been until the prince was kidnapped and Diablo possessed him and used him as his mortal host.
    Then how much time has it been since Leoric was killed by Lachdanan then buried and then the actual events of the game when the heroes descended into the Tristram Cathedral visiting Leoric's tomb in which Leoric was a skeleton already not a recently buried deceased.

    Someone please explain me!

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