Diablo - The Magic Rock (Diablo 1)

This is the story and lore behind Diablo’s «The Magic Rock», the quest itself and what the townsfolk had to say about it. I plan to do this for all of the Diablo and Diablo 2 quests.

Note: The «quest» consists of simply finding the rock somewhere in the catacombs, so there wasn’t much footage for it. Enjoy my character’s walk down the path to Griswold.


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37 thoughts on “Diablo — The Magic Rock (Diablo 1)

  1. Thanks for the compliments, as of right now I plan to finish Diablo then move on to Diablo 2 and its expansion. If, after all that, I still have motivation for Hellfire, I'll make videos for that, but they would probably be a lot longer down the line (possibly near the release of Diablo 3).

    What's funny is I began to make these videos a few DAYS before Diablo 3 was announced. The views on them spiked rapidly once it was.

  2. Hello man, thanks for replying as well 🙂

    I've been reading your comments at your profile and, now with this responce from you, I can see that Hellfire would be the last choice if there is time and personal motivation.. perhaps the cow mission would be interesting as a resemble of the legendary Cowlevel (or perhaps a compilation about the Cowlevel at Diablo 1).

    About the increase in views; yep, the old spirit has been revived: at least in me.. and what better resemble than Diablo 1? 😀

  3. Griswold's voice sounds like Warcraft's dwarves voice, LoL

    Nice work mate. 5/5

  4. diablo 1 and diablo 2 are connected in so many ways omg!
    1. after the ambush on tristram and the deaths of everybody we knew in diablo 1 you can find them in diablo 2.. inside the destroyed tristram there is Griswold(the diablo1 blacksmith) and he is a "Undead Cursed" means he died and cursed to be undead for eternity.. there is also Wirt's body lying in there!! and his wooden leg near to his body! this is genius! they thought about everything!!!!!!!!!!

  5. continue of 1. you save Decard Cain in the destroyed tristram in diablo2.. which is also helps you in diablo1!

    2. they always talk about the east in diablo 1 and nobody really knows why.. only at diablo 2 you can really understand why its always about the east!

    3. the warrior shoves the soul stone into his forehead (we know nothing about the soul stones yet! only at diablo 2 we really understand what that stone really is)

  6. All true, except for the third point. The Soulstone is also mentioned in the story preceding the events of Diablo, which is in the game manual. The lore nerd has spoken ;-P

  7. @Luckyrob72 when you go to tristram in diablo 2 griswold is the unique monster you have to kill he sucks because he is cursed

  8. i can't fucking find the stone…i talked with all the npc's i searched on the lvl 4 and the lvl 5 on every corner and every where but isn't im warrior…what i need to do to fucking get this stone?

  9. you are awesome Kebooooo 🙂 Thanks! I'm 23 years old and I STILL play diablo 1 and 2. Love the games, and I will happily continue playing them for years to come, when I have time here and there that is!

  10. Omg I just realized the voice actor that does the Healer in town is a voice actor heavily used in Bethesda games such as Fallout 3 and NV

  11. Thank you so much. I accidentally skipped the opening dialog for this quest and I wanted to hear it 😛

  12. This video is fucking pointless, it doesn't show where to find the rock. 

  13. when I took the quest I thought Griswold will forge me a weapon instead he gives me a band -_-
    I know the anvil of fury quest but the sword wasn't that helpful

  14. I can’t find the magic stone on cata lvl 5 been searching for a hour now. Can it be found on other levels?

  15. that was just so booring 🙁 you could at least had told us what dammit lv in the underground you did find the fucked stone.. ffs

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