Enhanced Galakrond Hourlock | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

New big bois for Darkest Hour.


Deck Code: AAECAf0GAuO0A/G/Aw6rkQP+lQOHmgPorAPrrAPsrAOXrQP+rgPTrwOFsQO/uQPEuQPzuwO9vgMA

00:00 Embiggen Druid
03:53 Galakrond Priest
09:35 Spell Druid


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26 thoughts on “Enhanced Galakrond Hourlock | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. AAECAf0GAuO0A/G/Aw6rkQP+lQOHmgPorAPrrAPsrAOXrQP+rgPTrwOFsQO/uQPEuQPzuwO9vgMA

  2. it's actually absurd how many fun, relatively non-garbage decks One Chumpy Boi can cook up each expac

  3. Yoooo!!!! Another cool deck from Chump! Thank you for making these videos, they really brighten my day. Hope you do a lot more from this deck. Stay safe out there people, world is crazy right now.

  4. I think it's nuts how Living Mana was busted in its standard and Glowfly Swarm is merely an ok card here

  5. Damn! I was about to ask you to do an updated version of this list on your last video! I've been playing your original list since you first published it a few months ago, and I was excited that this expansion had some cards that were good additions to the deck. I've played a decent amount of games with most of your lists over the last year or so, and this deck is by far the one I've had the most success and fun with, pulling about 62% winrate in like 80 or 90 games

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