Hard to win w/ this hero regardless, but the extra fights vs Yogg in the early game it make it extra tough…
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis
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OOOOOOO let's go! Firebat vid!
man it feels good to see murloc forcers lose
You spelled Start wrong
Strart pepe hands
Man, what a strart!
One of the reasons Firebat is my favourite streamer is that he doesn't play music. If I want music, I'll play my own in the background. I watch a stream with commentary so I can hear the commentary.
eat raw sewage
I realise @firebat said he doesn’t bother with music, but if you wanted there is a really chill selection of royalty free music that might be cool for the background if you wanted http:/groupers.com/rfmb10 I use stuff like this to study/work because it’s not distracting but nice to have.
I was confuse by the word Strart, still wondering if its start or strat… Maybe its both.
That's an insane strart my guy
Strart= starting strat?
The last round was made so much better w/o the overlay
Had far worse starting rng. That was like bottom 20% apart from matchups
Ez 4th
Ok let's find Nadina!
[Buys trash.]
One of the reasons Firebat is my favourite streamer is that he doesn't play murloc every game
do you get invited to things and stuff yet?
Is it a strat? Is it a start? No, its STRART.
Editor guy didn't know if he should say Firebat had an unlucky start or strat, so he just combined the two and called it a day
I wonder if Bazhial would be too strong if she only lost 1 life on hero power. It'd be a neat synergy with Floating Watcher either way.
I love battlegrounds but the current meta is garbage. Half the lobby is forcing murlocs, 2 of which are doing it successfully and the rest is just hoping to highroll. The only fun games are when murlocs are not included.
Last fight was like 0.8 to win at most
you guys think you're sooooo funny, HUH?
You passed Razorgore/Twilight Emissary for 2x Herald of Flame and 2x battlecries? I don't think I agree with that decision. Twilight Emissary is like 1.5x battlecries by itself and that was a perfect opportunity to replace the Battlemaster with Razorgore.