GETTING IN BEFORE THE MILLHOUSE NERF! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

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17 thoughts on “GETTING IN BEFORE THE MILLHOUSE NERF! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds | Savjz

  1. According to my research Savjz did fart during the stream 9324 times.
    He was streaming for 16000 hours and if we can trust wikipedia avarage person farts 14 times per day.

  2. So you were a profesional Hearthstone player and after that you became a profesional farter, that's some amazing career boy.

  3. Savjz was actually playing 4D chess. He picked up the Imp Gang Boss to delay Patchwerk getting the triple

  4. Game decided in 1 absolutely bonkers roll, you have uploaded more interesting content with more skills from your end. Keep up the good work tho! 🙂

  5. why nobody is playing millhouse dragon with crowd favorite? i mean woth dragona you play a lot od bcs so … its like free buff for cf

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