Haha... Priest? Oh Wait... | Standard | Hearthstone

Who is laughing now????
Deck code: AAECAaa4AxxAxQTyBcQGigeNCL/yAsXzAvX8AqCAA+iJA+yJA6GhA6miA6+iA/SiA/yjA/KlA4SnA7CtA/atA/2tA/+tA+ewA/ywA4exA5GxA5+3AwGMrgMA


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‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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45 thoughts on “Haha… Priest? Oh Wait… | Standard | Hearthstone

  1. Hi Trump …. The deck code given in the description is of Druid and not priest…never mind had the deck with me and is still the same lol

  2. I'd personally want to run Seance over the archivist. More flexible card and it even answers other decks that run her.

  3. Built this deck yesterday and I went from rank 20 to 10 today, only ten ranks to go. Its pretty easy to pilot, you just dont play anything for like ten turns, its awesome.

  4. A warrior played Dr.boom hero card and Elysiana against my quest priest and I still won thanks to the fatigue damage (wie both were out of hand cards I believe.
    To be fair, he was way behind in life and board in the mid game, so he needed to use card draw to survive.

  5. That second game against warrior madee very sad. They drew the nuts and Trump's Mass Hysteria had a pretty low rolled outcome. Could've been a full clear. Guess that's just the nature of card games ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  6. Who gets fucked harder? Rogues when they face face hunters or face hunters when they run into this shit

  7. yeah in my experience, I think the only bad matchups are pirate warrior and token druid, other than that this deck. beats everything lol

  8. 19:10 actually 4/6 of the possibilities results in a full clear for you. So mass hysteria would be very good on this board, but do you want to mass hysteria this board is the real question and the answer is no.

  9. theoretically … if you´re a priest with quest up … and somehow get access to jaraxxus .. then complete your quest … if you heal yourself do you get stats ? Wasnt there some weird interactions with hand buff mechanics and jaraxxus when handbuff came into hearthstone?

  10. Your deck codes don't copy over to Hearthstone. I've tried 3 of your codes over the last couple of days. And other tubers codes work so… you're missing something in the strings.

  11. I dont always watch hearthstone videos but when i do:
    our home, our tombs!
    our home, our tombs !
    our home, our tombs!

  12. In my opinion Seance is better than Elysiana. If your oponent has Elysiana, then you can copy it. If you play against anything else than control, you can do other stuff with it.

  13. Hadn't watched or played HS in a while, maybe 4-5 months. The power creep is intense.

  14. Back in my day priest had to believe it was tier 1 just to be tier 3 and you could only play with vanilla minions or the papasy would excommunicate you!

  15. "imagine getting the double anchor draw and still losing!"
    proceeds to lose
    N A I L E D I T

  16. Ya im gonna research it tonight. What counters this deck, its quite popular at my rank.. and is extremely annoying. I also like… Want this deck, but have almost never played much priest. But it resembles like pure control imo. And the sustain is sooo dope to me

  17. 15:45
    Warrior: clears board
    Trump: "We have to build a wall"
    Warrior: surrender in Mexican

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