Headcrack is Overpowered. Put in Every Deck. | Firebat Hearthstone ft. Zalae & Gallon

Seriously, every deck, you’ll win every game ever ever. For ever ever.
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis


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50 thoughts on “Headcrack is Overpowered. Put in Every Deck. | Firebat Hearthstone ft. Zalae & Gallon

  1. why does gallon sound and have the humour like admirable lol are they the same person

  2. why would you evis a 3/2 just so he doesnt heal back 3 when hes at BASICALLY THREE HEALTH TO PUSH ONE?

  3. lol the 2/2 mech dragon play was clearly a brawl set up not a hint that he doesnt have it??? what Hahhaha and then zalae plays right into it how zalae how

  4. Conclusion from today and yesterday: Zalae is REALLY bad at rogue.

  5. Where is the Reddit thread he referenced at the beginning of the video? I can't seem to find it.

  6. Idk who the fuck gallon is, but he's fucking retarded. I hope he'll get that message somehow.

  7. First time i have EVER seen Firebat salty 😂, and it was about a suboptimal play (or maybe he was just in a bad mood or doesn't like that guy)

  8. I've legit been playing a spell power rogue deck with a single headcrack that has a 57% winrate over 200 games, most of them past rank 5. Of course Malygos makes it a bit better.

  9. Watching zalae make out right bad plays and then have them talk their way out of the hole has been entertaining as hell.

  10. Am I weird for feeling guilty for doing backstab, backstab (on the 1 2 healers from druid) coin, prep, raiding party, Edwin on turn 2? With Argent squire on 1.

  11. Kind of annoying that they don't mute their discord when they announce their subs…

  12. Quick question. Why are they using running a tempo rogue deck with no legendaries? Is it for a challenge where they run a more budget friendly of the deck?

  13. Firebat looks like a french baguette theif when he grows his facial hair

  14. Coin miscreant is consistently powerful Edwin can of course be better but requires the nuts draw.

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