Hearthstone: All Old Gods in One Deck - Part 1 (Druid Standard)

Ranked Play Season May 2016

★ Value games at: http://www.g2a.com/r/trump


05:23 — vs Zoolock
11:40 — vs Midrange Warrior
15:08 — vs N’Zoth Paladin
25:57 — vs Rogue


● More standard: http://bit.ly/TrumpStandard
● Trump’s Decks: http://bit.ly/DrumpTecks


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♪ Outro music from the Hearthstone soundtrack
«One Last Chance»


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33 thoughts on “Hearthstone: All Old Gods in One Deck — Part 1 (Druid Standard)

  1. I said come on, Four Old Gods
    I said come on, Four Old Gods
    Everybody to the limit
    Everybody to the limit
    Everybody come on, Four Old Gods
    I said come on, Four Old Gods
    I said come on, Four Old Gods
    Everybody to the limit
    Who's that? It's to the limit
    Everybody come on, Four Old Gods
    C'mon, Four Old Gods
    I see your eye stalks and things
    Trying to be played like, too early
    I'm like come on, Four Old Gods
    I said come on, Four Old Gods
    Everybody to the limit
    C'Thun is to the limit
    Everybody come on, Four Old Gods
    I said, ooh, ahh, Four Old Gods
    I said, oohahh, Four Old Gods
    Who's that (Faceless Gibberish) Four Old Gods
    I don't know who it is,
    But it probably is Y'Shaarj
    I asked my friend Yogg
    I asked my friend Zoth
    They said it was Four Old Gods
    I said come on, Four Old Gods
    I said come on, Four Old Gods
    Everybody to the limit
    Everybody to the limit
    Everybody come on, Four Old Gods
    Push it to limit
    Said me, I'm to the limit
    Everybody come on Four Old Gods
    Man, Four Old Gods
    You're just making this deck worse, you know
    Everybody's just gonna feel sorry for you
    I mean, I do

  2. Yeah, that was really fun to watch. Like the idea of such an overboard deck. Something different, I like it.

  3. can anyone tell me what thing he uses to keep track of his cards so unfairly ? (and yes UN fair when most other players do not have this advantage ..)

  4. Paladin removal is sooo annoying. You could play ten minions at 9 mana or more. Humility, equality, keeper of uldaman, eadric

  5. You're not religious are you trump? No need for the dumb abbreviations, God means a lot to a lot of people.

  6. how does he see all the cards he already used on the side of the screen?
    i wanna do it too

  7. he misplayed so hard this deck, on first match. He should've tried to get C'thun to 10-10 before the astral communion. I think that is vital when your hand contains ANY of his buff cards AND astral communion with this overall list.

  8. When that Paladin plays Ragnaros: Lightlord, one of trumps friends on his friends list gets it from a deck lol

  9. i like how when tje paladin played ragnaros lightlord someone of trumps friends opened it 😀

  10. love it how silly trump can be when he tries out his random fun decks idea's XD

  11. Turn 1: Innervate, Astral Communion
    Turn 2: Deathwing
    Turn 5: Death

    I feel bad for that Rouge. Really, really bad.

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