Hearthstone Arena Coop #256: Hunter

The fastest class! But not this time! ADWCTA & Merps take their time with this Hunter deck in the Ashes of Outland Meta.
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Extra Content:
► 12-Win Runs: https://goo.gl/ZUGJ1Z
► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/grinninggoat
► Tier List: http://thelightforge.com/tierlist
► ADWCTA Twitter: https://twitter.com/adwcta
► Merps Twitter: https://twitter.com/merps4248
#hearthstone #ashesofoutland #grinninggoat


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10 thoughts on “Hearthstone Arena Coop #256: Hunter

  1. This meta is actually fucking awful , i dont like winning or losing games based on pure rng and card generation , it removes almost al skill involved in actually playing the game

  2. I think this deck looks good. He keeps saying he doesn’t have beasts when he isn’t counting the griffin

  3. Shoutout to that guy who said 8 wins and they were like “this deck will struggle to get 5”

  4. 48:20 not gonna lie, if I were that opponent, proooooobably would have jumped out of a window cursing a streak all the way down if I got 'punished' for playing the dragon there instead of just hero powering. Not that poacher was the one and only out through scarab there, but when you fall to a created by line like that, i dunno it just stings so much harder

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