[Hearthstone] Frozen Throne’s Best Day One Deck

Hearthstone KotFT | Review & gameplay of my best performing deck on the first day of the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion
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36 thoughts on “[Hearthstone] Frozen Throne’s Best Day One Deck


  2. Congratulations, complain like a bitch reggarding aggro meta while promote a fucking stupid Zoo deck. That's fun for sure…. Salty bitch

  3. Playing on rank 11 at the mid of a month? This is a really high rank — for Kripp. This deck must be pretty good. For sure a stronger deck than for example Control Pala or Jade Druid. No wonder I nearly only face Zoolock at the moment on ladder. Kappa

  4. Woah, you really won with an aggresive deck against a priest who played his first card on turn 5 and first minion on turn 7? Unreal!

  5. Damn so many butthurts in the comments…aggro is going to be a thing anyway in every expansion and it really doesn't matter who's playing it when. Plus he said its a new type of zoo , which didn't work in the previous expansion and was curious to try it out, whats the big deal…

  6. First game I played with this, ramp druid who killed me on round 5.

  7. bro I'm playing this deck rn (not fully bc ya boy broke and can't really buy packs) but its doing pretty great regardless, I'm missing the prince card!!!

  8. i am one star warlock, tell it trump, he wont believe. 420, its a indian dance, shiva here…… but im medievh…. evlolved into khadgar…. without deathrattle….. just a guardian role….. prince malchazar here as well…. ITS ALL MEME NOW!!!! YOU FACE JARAXXUS; EREDAR LOARD OF THE BURNING LEGION!!!!

  9. its lord….. w/e, german is my first languge…. sanscrit should be better tho… i guess, cuz rngsus.

  10. i am hourglass now? thats rope for lifecoach, chesstick, the memes will have the next turn…. oh no is already in my mixture, but im a miter, no mistress….. just adopt the evolved guardian. thats me.

  11. the bottle still cracked…. get behind that asian mindset…… nerfed your geniuses….. disguised toast still won the cicada 3301 battle….. it did tons of dmg, dont get behind me now guys, i do it for all…… antonidas in play, i just used wisdom of the kirin tor. i got moaaaaar than 1 hp now.

  12. To bad that every new deck is all like facehunter, booring nobrainer waste of time…. I never cared to much about who wins aslong as i had a fun game but as 99% of all who play this game just plays decks like this one and it just makes this game so booring.

  13. Prince keleseth is almost completely useless here and in general.  Only real application for the card is rogue in play-return-repeat. That is, if you ever draw it.

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