(Ashes of Outland Standard) Highlander Druid VS Rogue
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Music: Nocturne in B major, Op. 9 no. 3 by Chopin, performed by Xuan He
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Thanks for continuing to produce these videos during these crazy times. Nice to have some normalcy to look forward to.
I enjoyed your video lezD
Commenting for alogorithim.
Galakrond Rogue is a fair and balanced deck that is almost as skill-testing as it is fun to play against
Damn, hate to see it.
I’m honestly surprised that Van Cleef hasn’t been Hall of Fame’d yet — he’s basically a “Must Use” in most Rogue decks, and wasn’t that a condition for the HoF?
I don't play Hearthstone anymore for this exact reason. It's either an RNG fiesta (priest, rogue) or getting smacked in the face by a Demon Hunter until the release of sweet death.
It is however always fun to watch Kiblers videos. Don't think I'll stop doing that
Summon a 4 Mana 8/8 and deal 15 damage 😂
Hey Kibler you mentioned you have sore tendons, have you tried doing any stretches? Also your diet might be causing inflammation too. The main culprit is usually too much sugar/refined carbs but other foods can also be to blame too.
Galakrond rogue balanced as always
WHAT HAPPENED to kiblirs WIFE?!!
Honestly starting to see Vancleef as more and more of a problematic card. When it's so common to be a 3 mana 10/10 or 12/12 or even an 8/8, I think it's time to be hall of famed.
thats why im a watcher in this meta. btw the brown beard is lit.
I never noticed but elise saying "need a hand, explorer?" and then duplicating your hand if your deck is singleton is such a genious joke xD
Great video- I thought this was just gonna be a reminder of the game where he played 5 mana Alexstrasza on turn four, but it ended up being much different. Just because your deck is broken doesn’t mean your opponents isn’t either.
How Are you so BUFF!
This was the diplomatic video title, which should actually say "Serious Rogue Bullshit"
Edwin is so fun to play with or against, such a versatile card =) =)
"Let me just play this 7 cost card that gives me 4 free cards that will decide the match"
Me: "But… but… nooooooo… T_T"
Ban Edwin plz
Fighting Gala Rogue makes me feel like I'm playing as a bitch AI from an easy adventure.
As i was watching the video : oh wow, seeing a Rogue suffer against mana cheat is satisfying as hell
In the ending turns: ooh cmon not this again 🙁
Thanks for the video
Highlander Druid is probably at t3 I guess, so no surprise
As someone who has tendonitis and has had for 8 years because I got it looked at too late, please for the love of god get it checked at a doctor and physiotherapist.
It's not something you wanna live with, lemme tell you.
Is the Rogue have to much tools to win tempo and get advantage and answome comebacks, disgusting set deck(black jack stunner, van cleff, heistbaron, flick…) , balanced?, not
Sometimes you need a bit more than just a bunch of legends in your deck.
1 reason this is bullshit lackey…
Gala Rogue honestly pushed me away from the game, it's such a bullshit deck. If Galakrond discounts the right cards the game just ends right there. There's nothing most decks can do against a 20 mana value on turn 7 or 8, and the only counterplay is to pray for the opponent to not get anything good.
You could have lived to win, instead of dq alex, play 3/4 reborn, wrath the ambusher, you heal 6, total hp is 18, can only do 13 to you, not counting what was in hand
Yep. No matter how decks change over the years, rogue is still rogue
It'd probably be different if I still played Hearthstone but I love seeing Gala Rogues pull off things like this
Please Hall of Fame Edwin, his brotherhood had prevailed already, time to retire
I think the swings with a priest Druid matchup are sooooo much more dramatic can’t wait to see you play highlander / dragon Priest
90% of chat QQing about Galakrond rogue when enrage warrior, quest lock, gala priest and highlander hunter are way more popular and dominate the meta more.
I am glad I only play dragon hunter I almost never lose to rogues .i end the game before turn 7 you just need a dragon and a weapon lol
This comments section really shows how out of touch the average player is with the real meta. The silver/gold meta is far different than high legend meta, saying stupid shit like "rogue is broken and oppressive" like it's a fact because it's true in silver is retarded. Rogue is the 6th worse class rn behind warrior, dh, warlock, druid, and hunter.
Its amazing the Rogue was playing like dogshit and got the luckiest he could have with all his discovers and topdecks. This game rewarding dumbasses for real
Been posting a lot of loss videos recently. While I can enjoy the fact that they're interesting games, I just don't enjoy them as much seeing the receiving end of the crazy plays.
oh trying another archetype thats pretty cool.
Galakrond Rogue seems a bit to consistent in it's crazy swings. The fact that Draconic and Ethereal Lackeys are Discover and not "add a random" makes them a bit too efficient at finding the right answers in a deck with this much value from the hero power.
Kinda happy I'm not playing Hearthstone at the moment. Thanks for taking the pain for me Brian.
Edwin HOF when?
Someone gonna buy a account? I have one, all lendaries classics and much more
4 Mana 8/8; Battlecry: Deal 14 Damage. And they complained about a 4 Mana 7/7 smh
That game was bullshit. What a utter RNG clown fiesta.
I kinda prefer the old thumbnails…
People just wining in the comments about Rogue.
i love watching socialists lose.
That was the first time I saw him concede.
But the title is wrong. The druid got ahead early and the rogue did the swinging…