Highlander Druid Superiority | Standard | Hearthstone

Is Druid the superior Highlander class? Let’s find out!


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‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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25 thoughts on “Highlander Druid Superiority | Standard | Hearthstone

  1. Hearthstone animations trigger me so hard. That turn Trump lost because he drew Nozdormu several cards later should never happen.

  2. >realizes he's getting nozdormu eventually
    >watches the rope burn
    >sees his minions in his hand glow meaning he can play minions
    >waits for nozdormu to finally show up right when his turn is cut off
    >doesn't play anything
    >not even using his hero power
    If he managed to have lost I would've lost it.

  3. For a guy who loses SO often due to his own stupidity and inaction (constant fucking roping) he sure does talk a whole lot of shit.

  4. "I have 2 copies in my deck, and i'm sure i won't regret that." — Famous last words [Remember hyena alpha?]

  5. 15:05 somebody, please tell me why some of the card text is blocked out? I've been seeing this all over trump's videos and i cannot understand why

  6. Can we talk about how this man said “useless useless useless useless!”

  7. I have never noticed it before, but in Elise’s intro animation, she makes Zodiac symbols of all the Hearthstone years!

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