[Hearthstone] The New Frozen Throne Deck Recipes

Hearthstone KotFT | My first look at Blizzard’s new Frozen Throne deck recipes
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44 thoughts on “[Hearthstone] The New Frozen Throne Deck Recipes

  1. with raza in the priest deck you can hit them for 2 play velen hit them for 4 copy it with the prince hit them for 8 and the double circle of heal or whatever if you have radiant elemental that costs 0, hit them for 8 twice and it's a 30 dmg combo

  2. Personally, I've been playing Dragon Hunter with the hero card and plenty of removal. It's really fun. <3 Not sure how viable it is, though, since I'm not very good at making decks. :v

    Having stitched tracker give you extra historians is awesome. :3

  3. Priest deck is 2 turn kill combo with double velen. Hero power, mind blast, hero power, mind blast for 64. If only one Velen survives it's still 32

  4. so far have run into lots of not running a sungle new car dpirate warriors, I think it was a mistake to push to rank15 before the expansion, getting rekt

  5. ….So i opened those three packs which you get from the arena Challenges, and closed my Hearthstone. An hour later i reopened HS and i could open those three packs again? Did this happen to anyone else?

  6. Well my first game was using old cards (I havent opened new packs yet)…

    I played an average deck against someone with 3 new legendaries… What I noted was heaps of power creep, and loads of RNG.

    And due to careful play on my part and tactical errors on theirs I was actually in a position to close out the game towards the end… And then they copied my entire remaining deck, drew my most powerful minion (before I had), and won. So it was an incredibly unsastifying experience.

    I really hope Blizz dial back on the RNG and excessive card generation that is in the game now; but I guess it is too late for that at this stage. My friend who is into these games was put off getting into HS after seeing all that RNG

  7. The warrior hero card is actually pretty good in a tempo deck. Fibannoci is doing pretty good with it rn.

  8. so this nigga gonna leech this views on yt throwing new clip every 5 hours to max some $$$ just after this expansion came out… smh

  9. Totally unrelated. Just gonna throw this out there can we have a update on Catarrian? like maybe even on Rania channel? Much appreciated with any response.

  10. Why would you play prince in that priest deck when you can just use mirage caller

  11. It was clearly necessary to put the stupid prince in there because Mirage Caller would have been SO much worse.

  12. Your Roll the Bones calculation is wrong. It does indeed draw a second card 40% of the time (actually a bit more, almost 45%), but you have not counted in the times it draws not 2, but 3, 4 or even more cards.
    Doing the calculation:
    1 first card
    0.45 second cards
    0.19 third cards
    0.08 fourth cards
    0.03 fifth cards
    0.01 sixth cards

    For a total of about 1.75 cards.

  13. pray 4 me bois, opened 25 packs, my pity legendary was 4 mana prince, my 2nd pity one was the 3 mana prince….

  14. Are you guaranteed a Legendary in your first few packs? Or did I get really lucky by pulling Uther in pack 5?

    Then again all the Uther decks contain a lot of orange and I barely play… So I may actually dust him.

  15. Defender (shaman 2/8 taunt) is great at least in arena. Had to kill one coined out on turn two, what a pain.

  16. Roll the bones with half o your deck being deathrattles is on average 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16… = 2 cards. You're wrong with your calculations.

  17. I completely agree on the decks, they are some of the coolest decks to choose from throughout all the expansions. I really hope they can make some just as interesting next expansion

  18. Your Roll the Bones math is pretty far off again. 13 deathrattles draws 1.76 cards on average (not 1.4 like you said in the video). That's more efficient card advantage than Arcane Intellect.

    For reference, 15 deathrattles gives 2.0 cards on average, not 1.5. And 18 deathrattles would draw 2.5 cards, if you were crazy enough to build that deck.

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