Highlander Secret Mage | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

Secrets feel much better in control than aggro.


Deck Code: AAECAf0EHnGKAe4CyQOrBMsE7QSWBZ+bA6GhA/yjA5KkA76kA7+kA/KlA92pA/SrA+yvA4SxA5GxA4S2A4y2A8K4A8O4A8W4A/e4A425A427A+W+A+a+AwAA

Secret Burn Mage: https://youtu.be/Lgjf8EOL6jM

00:00 Deck
02:12 Demon Hunter
09:41 Highlander Rogue


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36 thoughts on “Highlander Secret Mage | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. AAECAf0EHnGKAe4CyQOrBMsE7QSWBZ+bA6GhA/yjA5KkA76kA7+kA/KlA92pA/SrA+yvA4SxA5GxA4S2A4y2A8K4A8O4A8W4A/e4A425A427A+W+A+a+AwAA

  2. Mage really needs something to sustain. Maybe a may to generate ice barrier idk…

  3. "Oh I can sac pact it!"
    (Sounds of Demon Hunter winrate going up a tiny bit after nerfs and Reno decks going down)

  4. Secret mage is so close to being great in standard. Just one more expansion adding to it has a lot of potential

  5. The greatest game of hearthstone ever!!!! Omg I’m going nuts over the value swings!! 😂😂😂🔥🔥🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

  6. Did that rogue not know that he could summon an 8/8 with his Kronx or what? The second time was even better, since it prevented lethal with Chumpo being with an empty hand… the +5/-5 did absolutely nothing there…

  7. Curious as to why the rogue opted to choose the 5 damage 5 lifesteal at the end? If he chose the 8/8 taunt, Chump didn't have a good way to clear it on board without trading both minions into it and his hand was empty… It would give the rogue a possibility to next turn kill Chump if he didn't find a solid answer for it (fatigue wouldn't kill, it would deal 2, dropping him to 2 health). It was far better than just choosing an option that just outright loses. Am I missing something or was that genuinely a bad play? I thought it was kind of obvious unless I'm derping about something.

  8. I appreciate the timeline of your videos because here it is patch day or the day after the patch and the video is patch friendly.

  9. Rogue threw the game. on last turn he should have summoned 8/8dragon with taunt instead of the heal5deal5. You still drew Reno and would most likely win, but him by doing what he did Made a great misplay

  10. So not only playing the second Galakrond was wrong but in the end if Kronk's summoned the 8/8 dragon with taunt the opponent had a chance of surviving

  11. 5:35 the fact this DH didn't use second slice to check for counterspell is such a bad play. No wonder there are like 20k legend spots or whatever right now.

  12. Can anyone give me a recommendation for a deck to climb from Diamond 5-Legend please? I’m struggling at that rank

  13. What a beast of a deck. I shall use it in my collection as… Secret Chumplander!

  14. 🕯️your treasure or your life
    🕯️your treasure or your life
    🕯️your treasure or your life

    That said, really really cool deck. I might actually get into standard a bit to play it. I love Reno Mage, always have, and Wild has all these combo decks, and I'm missing some dust for Reno Quest Mage

  15. Hey chump like deck idea and played couple of games if u are interested I have some chef nomi mage gameplay just check my videos have a good day tho

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