How to Restore an Expired Diablo 2 Character

Short and Sweet tutorial.

Your character isnt technically deleted until AFTER someone else uses the same name as you have, at which point yours is deleted, so as long as you have unique names, youre in the green.

Hope this helps a few people out!



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29 thoughts on “How to Restore an Expired Diablo 2 Character

  1. this is why i have clan names got 7 accounts all 56 characters + mules were expired… 1,3 years later i logged in for fun… i found Everything back again. but their non-ladder obviously now.
    Hahaha and blizzard claims your account gets deleted in 3 months or 6 what ever..

  2. What to do if I click ''Delete Character'' on a char that's ''Expired'' and ''Character cannot be found'', but nothing happens after I've confirmed I want to ''Delete Character'' but nothing happens after I click ''Yes''? ;o

  3. After doing this, it will expire another time after other 90 days?

  4. if they delete the character that has a name you originally had, can you revive yours after?

  5. This system was such bullshit. Good thing they're not using it on D3. Hate character expiration. It would've made sense if they'd just stuck to the 90 days thing, but letting other people steal a character name, thereby killing yours, is ridiculous.

    And who the fack would steal "Blade3327" anyway? *facepalm*

  6. if u have a character that says expired restart ur computer and goto bios, set the date in it back a few months at a time until the character is not expired then enter a game with the character. restart the computer and bring the date back to normal, u should have the character still recovered.

  7. so it seems with diablo that names are not unique, deleted characters is no longer an issue.

  8. they should keep these games open domain only. closed realms just cause strife. people play for the wrong reasons now days; real money trade, rank, and control.

    diablo i required selfless ambition, guilds/justices, and self-control; not just giving into the temptation of insta-training a character. i think more d2 players would play open if the channel avatars weren't so bland.

  9. wasteful imo, the character can still occupy an empty slot and you might want to show people you had the name if its a good one. once a 98, always a 98.

  10. I have known about this for years. Started playing on release. Just signed back on to an account I haven't played since Feb. and my 97 Fully Geared Trapsin named NKed is no longer found. Fighting urge to break disc.

  11. I have a question to this expired char thingie… I knew that if your name wasnt taken its still there, but what if you just keep the char and the dude who took "your" name, doesnt play on his char anymore and therefore ends up expired, will it then be possible for you (me) to get my old char back, with items and stuff?

  12. While i cant say without shadow of a doubt, i believe that when they use your name, it overwrites your old character, and even if they did quit and expire, your stuff wouldve been deleted long ago.

    if you have differing results, please let me know so i can inform people. good luck

  13. I've made a test char, so i can find out for sure.
    Theres no way i will pay another player on d2jsp to get a name back but no items.
    But in 9 days i'll return with an answer if my idea works or not 🙂

  14. Just found out.. It doesn't work. Once it's expired and the name is taken. Your char is gone. No matter what.

  15. I'm in a scenario where my characters aren't even showing up, my character selection screen is completely blank even though just a year ago I had several high level characters, and I'm sure it's the same account.

  16. They did account wipes a year back and any characters who were expired despite if their name was taken or not were cleared.

  17. permanent game but chars expire so fast. thats so dumb. can they make them last longer? idiocy.

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