I tried to Speedrun Hearthstone, here is my attempt

I did not know that Hearthstone has speedrun categories until recently and thought it could be fun to try one our self. Well, went better than expected for sure. By the way the deck also works on ladder, cheap and aggressive

Deck Code:

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Some tags, pls ignore 🙂

hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter, Hearthstone Speedrun, Druid Speedrun, speedrun world @@@@record


#WildHearthstone #Hearthstone #Solem


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30 thoughts on “I tried to Speedrun Hearthstone, here is my attempt

  1. the druid voiceline is too long, should have gone with some other hero save time
    "I must (why) protect the wild"

  2. Can you do a series about defeating every single adventure in heroic mode that would be awesome 😀
    btw huge fan 🙂
    Grüße 😀

  3. Sjow, a popular hearthstone battlegrounds player, also like speedrunning. He mains the category "top 8 without concede".

  4. Regarding ladder rewards why not make it optional to choose which expansion you're getting your packs from? I, for one, wouldn't mind getting some wild expansions. It would be perfect for Wild only players.

  5. You wasted a LOT of time by not clicking every single card your opponent played to make it go away faster after they played it…

  6. …oh my god, I owned the physical version of Dungeon Dice Monsters and had completely forgotten until this video…good times

  7. Just looking at this run, I can already see a frustration point with Warlock as the Innkeeper deck runs Hellfire which would be a very awful setback. It doesn't help that the class is towards the bottom so a reset is going to be painful.

  8. Speedrun adventures, also I'm pretty sure mech hunter is faster than token druid

  9. little do you know you can win on turn 2/3 by milling your opponent's mecha thun or something like that

  10. Can you do a hunter speed run on ladder? Tasks:

    1.Greetings traveller
    2. Play a beast
    3. Summon huffer
    4. Summon another huffer
    5. Face plays taunt, you still go face
    6. I will hunt you down
    7. Turn 7 lethal

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