Thijs Ashes of Outland Decklists: https://imgur.com/a/XUUhJHp
Deckcode: Spell Mage — AAECAf0EBskDlgXsrwOMtgPFuAPexAMMqwTLBO0En5sDoJsD/50Dv6QD9KsD8a8DwbgDjLkDgb8DAA==

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#Hearthstone #AshesOfOutland #SpellMage #Thijs


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32 thoughts on “If EVERYTHING Is OP..NOTHING Is OP!!

  1. 0:57 Well, at least you're self-aware about it, Thijs. Look at some of the custom cards out there, man!
    Though that's also an idea for a card, Thijs. Could be a new, less annoying Leeroy. 5 mana 5/2 Legendary. Rush, This minion has Charge if your opponent has no minions.

  2. Yes priest is most hated cose they try to slow the agro not race them and vice versa priest hate all tempo agro builds 😉

  3. Day 437
    English-speaking players doesn't know what's hueputalo mean
    Actually russians too, but just know what hui means dick

  4. I’m tired of all the removal in the game now. Two years ago when you played a minion on an empty board you didn’t expect midrange and aggro decks to be able to remove it so easily. Now it feels impossible to just build a board because every class has so much access to rush or spell removal. It’s not fun to play board based decks because buildings a board feels as consistent as a lottery ticket.

  5. I have enough of hearthstone for now. The title names it right, the meta decks are just OP with Tempo DH and Galakrond Warlock topping it all. Blizzard makes it worse by including OP cards every expansion. What in the world is Altruis for example? 3 Mana deal 7 damage on the turn you play it when played late game? 3 Mana clear opponent's board at turn 5? Let's not start with the other broken DH cards.

  6. Hey Thijs, did you check out the new Chroma demo yet? It's looks like a really well designed game to me. Also: groeten uit Utrecht!

  7. @Thijs
    Yes it is. Being priest main tought me this class is hated as hell. Don't even think of writing something like "this priest deck isn't meta, it's mediocre" because waves of people will come to you and say nonsense like "it is in meta, a lot of people play this deck, you don't know how to play hs or didn't play for a long time if you think otherwise" when it's clear that this deck is NOT op and it is NOT in the meta. And I am serious, look at the statistics/winrate whatever… People will say it is in meta, cuz they don't like priest and/or lose to it. Dunno why tbh. The same comes to priest cards. If you say something like "hey, new power word shield is bad" or "the new shadow word death won't make much of a difference" people will flame you because they are blinded by their hatred towards priest. For them every decent priest card is too good. And I know it from my experience (youtube comments and reddit). It's sad. I don't know where those people come from but they are salty af

  8. Reno: hits the opponent with holy wrath for 7 damage, and the only 7 drop i solarian
    Thijs: oh yes, he has no idea

  9. I mean be like mw2 during the golden days when every gun was op so nothing was underpowered

  10. Not so lucky, got 0-4. Lost against 2 Face Hunters and 2 DH even before turn 8 🙁

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