Let's Play Diablo: Level 1



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31 thoughts on “Let's Play Diablo: Level 1

  1. Eh, most important thing for low level warriors: Boost that Dex to max! From there, strength and vitality to taste, with occasional magic for books you find.

  2. @EspyLacopa2 Mostly, you want that Dexterity maxed out, because your accuracy is entirely based on your dex: If you don't have enough, you simply will not hit things. Not to mention, higher dex = higher block chance.

  3. @EspyLacopa2 Too true, and for that matter most rpgs are like that, with dex scores increasing two aspects of a character, and most commonly just like in Diablo; hit things more, evade/block more, so getting a high dex is usually very good in many rpg games, though a few games do scale things well so you want to increase everything and not focus on any one stat.

  4. @linkeffect82 It doesn't help that Warriors in D1 are considered by those who were good at the game to be the weakest class in the game.

    Sorcerers were considered so powerful, that you could play a variant wherein they only equip the 'best' cursed equipment, and still manage to defeat Hell Difficulty at level 30 (the minimum required level to enter that difficulty)

  5. @EspyLacopa2 Yeah the sorcerer class is kind of akin to old first edition DnD magic user, if I recall from Spoony (From the spoonyexperiment website) explained, weak at first, but becomes uber powerful much later. Still the warrior does kick butt early on, and if you're the class is certainly good enough to kick ass, it's just not quite as flexible. I love the rogue class, or as I would title her, a "Jack of all trades".

  6. I actually found Rogue the best solo, because she could cast spells well enough, which are practically bread and butter for this game, and she can disarm traps. Warrior just felt too sluggish, and was the only class I didn't beat this game with, but that's just me.

  7. What the hell do you mean, that wasn't a good time to show off archery? You had a bow, some of that grate-y semi-wall stuff, and some enemies on the other side! That's the ONLY reason for a warrior to carry a bow!

  8. Bored, looking up old game LPs, heard the "a town in Colorado" joke, died laughing. Good show, man.

  9. Thanks for this let's play, watched it a few years ago and here i am watching it again. diablo 1 will always be one of my favorite games. it's got this dark atmosphere that no other diablo has matched. i love it.

  10. I haven't played this game in years and lately I've felt the need to play it again. I went online looking for it but since it's such an old game I couldn't play it on my Windows 8 computer. Does anybody know of any way I can play this game again for nostalgia's sake?

  11. Let's clear things out. Games like Diablo and it's clones are not RPGs. Game like Gothic or Dragon Age, that's a freaking rpg! Diablo is just boring and mindless hack'n'slash lootfest. And if anyone here thinks otherwise, well, please exlain to me where is the "role playing factor" in Diablo, becase i can't see it!

  12. this game probably has one of the best soundtracks in gaming history in my opinion love that fucking guitar

  13. This game scared the shit out of me as a kid. All the pentagrams, the gritty visuals and the creepy soundtrack… I was too afraid to fight on after killing my first few monsters. Now it's one of my favorite games.

    I like this game better than Diablo 2 because of how fragile it makes you feel. Couple that with limited resources/item drops/exp and this game and you've almost got yourself a survival/horror/action/rpg game, much like System Shock 2.

  14. I got bored while doing other shit and wanted some nostalgia on my other monitor, so I did a youtube search, found this, and never had to go anywhere else. So thankful for the good quality video AND commentary! A nice casual, nostalgic ride.

  15. my fav game of all time 😀 got it way back at a lan party as a kiddo. nowadays i carry it on my psp with me everywhere i go. its still one of the best games to play when ur bored just load up do a few floor runs save and try again the next day. also mage is my fav with a star build. where u focus on max magic / spell shield. why max magic? i dunno i like building hydra on max level and stone golem.

  16. I never r understood procedural generation of games, despite enjoying it. This game was so fun especially when you "click on the gold to pick up the gold". Also the click boxes for where an enemy will be, after its animation, were extremely fair. Thanks for walking us through the classics all over again. One thing about trying to level up with half the screen covered and also walking away from enemies, was a fun challenge.
    My favourite shrine said, "Wherever you go, there you are"…. Uh, yes

  17. This game takes place in Ireland:))) I thought it was Transylvania the first time I played:)))

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