MEET THE DANCING PIRATES - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Pirates have interesting effects, but not quite enough stats. Dancing fixes the problem!
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33 thoughts on “MEET THE DANCING PIRATES — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. Maybe they just need get rid of megasaur and introduce few new murlocs to balance it out a little bit, now the murlocs are just win hard or lose hard, when even a 1/1 token can kill 2 big things if it has poisonous and divine shield

  2. 4215 rank…
    Eeeem, why Kripp is not playing training session like when you first time start playing Hearthstone? Dude, I need guide

  3. The Mechano-Egg army did not fight for our overlord Mechano Kripperino this battle, only because mechs were excluded from battle, but we will be ready whenever called upon. Until then, we wait lying dormant in our eggs. It has been 2 days since our last recruitment.

  4. they need to remove the poison option in merloc and its actually super balanced

  5. HEY Kripp!! Please do a Anti-Pirate (stat Demons Classic with floating watcher/wrath weaver and later on malganis)! It’s super OP in a Meta where poisons are pretty rare! Please like so he Sees it

  6. I literally THREW a game in order to create the world's largest Goldgrubber! XD IT WAS A 209-206 on it's last turn. I got so many Goldens XD. I lost to the divine shield, poisonous, windfury murloc gang.

  7. yeah I have the pass as well, and I rarely get the new heroes. I have yet to get the pish for golden card, and I got patches and hooktusk once each only

    I just had a game and got a golden hogger, gives 2 gold for every pirate bought! Pirates then cost 1 gold!
    Combine this with the pirate that you can sell for 3 gold to get a net profit of 2 gold from that card. Thsn there is also the card that buffs +1+1 for every pirate bought which now has infinate potential, as well as the pirate that gains +1+1 for every pirate you play!!
    Sadly I didn't pull it off to this extent, still loses to divine poison murlocks 😂

  9. Man, that Shudderwock living the murloc dream. Kripp wishes for runs like that guy had.

  10. Can we just remove poisonous or at least give EVERYONE a chance to get it on their minions? Pretty unfair to see a build and just know that there is nothing you can do

  11. Giving a gold grubber late game divine shield is nuts beyond belief I personally have seen a 156 as the highest late game

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