Mountseller Totem Shaman | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

If the Totems fail, we make Beasts.

Deck Code: AAECAaoIAua3A5O5Aw6VAfUE/wWyBr4GkwmPlAO0lwPinwOdowPapQOitgPbuAOWuQMA

00:00 Deck
01:03 Highlander Priest
08:45 Aggro Demon Hunter
12:42 Spell Druid
15:20 Evolve Shaman
20:31 Wrap-up


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31 thoughts on “Mountseller Totem Shaman | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. AAECAaoIAua3A5O5Aw6VAfUE/wWyBr4GkwmPlAO0lwPinwOdowPapQOitgPbuAOWuQMA

  2. 0:52 Oh yeah, it’s all coming together. Btw the only YouTube channel I watch, thanks for doing great content

  3. You know it's going to a banger of a video when Chump proclaims his deck building genius right off the bat

  4. 0:04 And that got my like, I look forward to the rest of the video =)
    *20 minutes later*
    20:31 Oh… well nevermind, I take it back, you big idiot.

  5. Cutting the totem stuff to make a more traditional muck shaman is obviously a good direction to go in for consistency, but I don't think it follows that you need to cut mountseller as well. I played a lot of muck shaman last year and the mountseller pretty much always made the cut as just a great thing to cheat into play, you're naturally going to have some decent number of cheap spells either way so it should still be abusable. Plus you probably still need some way to eventually go wide, decks that can only ever play one big idiot at a time rarely do that well.

  6. Chump please turn up volume a bit, laptop has limited volume on its speaks and I cannot hear you. 😛

  7. Just when I think Chump was almost making meta decks, he reinvents the meta with Even Demon Hunter in Standard and a Shaman deck where Far Sight into Fist is "kind of a curve"

  8. Counters priest because they can't copy your good cards if you have no good cards

  9. I made pretty much a similar deck about 1 month ago though I also had Shu'ma in it. The main issue I had with the deck besides being really inconsistent is the lack of card draw especially because you need a lot of cheap spells. You don't have any non minion options in Shaman right now so it's clunky. Auctioneer is not reliable enough. It really goes to show how important Fungal Fortune is to the current iterations of Druid.

  10. If I had to describe Chump with one word it would indeed be "genius" and not a stroke of but more like a consistent stream of.

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