MUCK SHAMAN Is The Most Fun Deck In Rise of Shadows - Hearthstone

Rise of Shadows Hearthstone — Muck Shaman deserves a spot in the coolest decks you can play in Rise of Shadows.
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Decklist: AAECAaoICiC0A/4Fogmn7gLzigP2igO5mQPEmQPFmQMK7gH5A/UEsgaf/QKb/wKKhQOtkQOKlAOPlAMA

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35 thoughts on “MUCK SHAMAN Is The Most Fun Deck In Rise of Shadows — Hearthstone

  1. My favorite deck I've made this expansion was charge-combo paladin. It has 10 cards which look weird/bad for Paladin, but it works out and I've been actually climbing with a 60% winrate with it. Has cards such as bluegill, wolfrider, blessing of might and kings and blessed champion even, heck even shoved some mountain giants in there and it works. Here's the list if you're interested. Only card I'm considering changing is glass knight. AAECAZ8FBOv3Avz8AqCAA72GAw1GoQLcA+MFzwavB+EH8gv7DIT8AvmTA4qaA7SbAwA=

  2. So glad someone figured out how to make this deck work with Big Bad Archmage. Saw the combo at launch but couldn’t figure out a deck list to make it competitive

  3. I know where all my dust is going now. This is like my favorite deck 'Dane's big rogue' but in standard

  4. So what you're saying is that Muckmorpher is a MUCK HAVE Shaman card?
    I'll see myself out.

  5. Double Muckmorpher, Double Eureka, Malygos as your only other minion? Fill the rest of the deck with removal, healing, and burn.

    Could it work?

  6. So now there’s a decktype called muck shaman and bomb warrior,I guess it’s one card in particular that gives a deck it’s name?

  7. Skipperino!! Where are you?! I cant find where the video starts. PLEASE HELP

  8. That deck is cancer. I remember a certain paladin murloc that would summon more murlocs. The thing about that card is they were summoned, so a board clear was a board clear. This is far worse as the GD thing generates cards meaning a board clear is immediately followed by a re-flood of the board and you have to be able to clear it repeatedly to survive. It's instant win against almost any kind of combo deck or deck needing more than 7 turns to win. Beyond Bomb Warrior and Control Warrior, you can see how the meta is shaped by this deck alone.

  9. hey Kripp, here's a fun meme deck. it's obviously not complete so you can add whatever else you want to make the deck better, but the main combo is creating a giant lifesteal/sweeping strikes Scraphound who restores more health per attack than Reno Jackson. it's an 8 card combo, but with all the discounts it should be possible to play the whole combo on 9 mana (4 if you hit everything with Thaurissan first) please meme it up in a youtube video.

  10. Excuse me???

    Was that a turn 2 5/6, turn 3 5/6, turn 4 5/6, turn 5 5/6, turn 6 5/6 +2/3,
    that's so much power. And he lost. What in the world has hearthstone turned into.

  11. Even a week later this is still the deck i have most fun with in standard, arena feels really fresh though. Looking forward to you exploring arena to see whats best so i can copy it for free wins

  12. 15:45 Order LUL
    If you hit the healing totem before using scheme, your minion would have had 1 more health. In the end it didn't matter.

  13. Playing against hunter who cant make lifestealing 8/8s with charge every turn, actually makes this game look fun for the first time in a long time

  14. This deck sucks. I have all these cards, tried playing a few times. The RNG factor just screws you over. If you don't have the combos, good luck staying alive long enough to get 10 mana. And if you get to 10 mana, its probably too late.

    Does the deck have potential? Yes. When you finally get a sweet combo, is it cool? Yes. Does it happen often? Not unless RNGesus is on your side…

    You can't just show videos of your wins and crazy combos and not show your losses or cons. Otherwise your content has no weight.

  15. Both bomb warrior and tempo rogue are actually quite easy to beat with Healadin resp. a hybrid with dragons. The problem is you usually get destroyed by summoning mage and most hunters.

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